I remember that hailstone message was suppose to start way back in the 80’s yet for some reason it didn’t . Maybe because there will never be a hailstone message from the jws it s just a ploy to keep the jws on edge.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy2
Yesterday's Watchtower Study (from October issue) "Stay Faithful Through the Gt. Tribulation"
by BluesBrother inthis article has all the trappings of wts apocalyptic theology, doom and destruction for "the world" salvation into paradise for the faithful .a schedule of future events is described thus :.
1) a worldwide proclamation of peace and security.
2) the destruction of "babylon the great"......it confidently names the characters from this visionary biblical reference, without any supporting reasons.. 3)the nations will then , as gog of magog , attack the wts and the members .
A JWS retirement home gets abandoned in a irresponsible way.
by Finkelstein inhere is video of one jw retirement care home that was abandoned leaving a whole lot of unused junk that should been properly removed .. what happened is a big question, it appears it was in radcliffe manchester uk.. another jah jireh home posted a cost of $3020.00 per month, so not for the poor jws out there.
does anyone out there know about this abandoned place ?.
Probably realized very quickly that there weren’t enough rich jws to pay for such a place. I’m buying property and putting old 400 square foot cabin like sheds on the place. With a communal shower and toilet area. There’s already a waiting list of poor jw widows and widowers waiting for the place to by finished. The price will be reasonable and those that can’t afford the price will be allowed to live in their cars on the side of the property and still use the bathroom shower area. The car spaces are also filling up fast because that’s all most jws will be able to afford is one or the other at this place.
The name of the places is Broken Promises Acres. . I’m thinking of expanding to all areas of the country. J/K
Living in the last of the last days - A new prophecy
by Listener inalthough not a new concept by the watchtower, particularly in public talks and at assemblies, they have now put this prophecy in writing.watchtower oct 2019 page 8 -13 study no.40 titled -keep busy during the last of "the last days".
the first paragraph asks '1.
what convinces us that we are living in “the last days”?
Their trying to keep the expectations up and the fear going.
WT study 8 December
by road to nowhere inhad to look.
first paragraph mentions that most of were probably born after 1914. most?
i bet the dubs 105 and older can be counted on your fingers..
Remember when they used to say a group of people will see the beginning and then the end of days, sorry their all dead.
105 yrs.of Jesus Christ Rule is About To End ....What has Been accomplished ?
by smiddy3 inat this pace its going to take more than a thousand years to make earth a paradise .by my reckoning.. what have the g.b.
been saying about his kingdom reign now that its gone over 100 years ?
and what he has accomplished ?.
Well over the last 100 plus years jehovah has grown a vast army of his children all in unison worshiping him in truth and speeding the good news of his fast approaching kingdom all 8,500,000 I’m mean 8,200,000 or wait 7,900,000 let me check again 6,300,000 wait its been updated I think 5,400,000 or was that last week oh it looks like it’s now 5,200,000 or wait no it now says 4,100,000 damn it updated again looks like the new number is 3,700,000 no 3,650,000 no it changed 3,540,000 damn I can’t keep up with the updated numbers I think it’s saying now 3,250,000 crap it changed again.
3 New Letters Arrived!--2019-December!
by Atlantis in2019 december brd newsletter.
2019-s-1-e-congregation field service and meeting attendance report.
I new elders that could barely read.
How can the New World Translation be the ''finest Bible translation'' without containing any errors?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhere is a photo and article where the governing body claims that the new world bible translation committee and jehovah's ''spirit-begotten sons'' wrote the finest bible translation available to mankind.
the watchtower—study edition | february 2017.
“who really is the faithful and discreet slave?”.
If one looks at the 4 oldest bibles ever found you’ll see they differ from one another. If you compare the oldest Bible ever found and compare it to the jw bible it’s laughable. The jw Bible has no apocryphal books, Lacks a chapter or more from the book of Daniel has added words phrases and scriptures in their New Testament. Has Jesus being resurrected in Mark and ascending to heaven in the gospels which is no where to be found in the older bible. Oh and let’s not forget the name Jehovah not found in the New Testament ever in any manuscripts.
What The Fossils Say
by cofty inthe old creation book had a lot to say about the fossil record.
if i remember correctly it was some lie about all the fossils ever found would fit on a single table.
the reality is that there is an embarrassment of riches illustrating the evolution of life.
What sea breeze posted in his pics is called calcification where by minerals usually found in water wash over the object and turn it into what he showed. Petrified items still take much longer to become petrified and fossilization takes even longer if Remember correctly.
International Convention this year in St. Louis.......missed opportunity for protesters!
by krismalone ini attended the international convention this year (to avoid chaos in family life).
the convention center was right on the middle of downtown st. louis.
the cult members had to stand in line on the public sidewalk before entering the arena.
It’s really sad how activists and Christians that are trying to convert never stop and think about what their going to say and what their signs are going to read. One need to put themselves into a jw mind and think what will work. Not ramblings or a bunch of apostate points but a single clear message concerning one subject. Stay on point and hammer it home.
Great Crowd and a pair of elephants, invisible.
by waton infor lurkers: current study article 1st december wt.
in sept. study edition.
details hidden in the discussion: a pair of 'elephants in the room', and their calves.
They just say whatever they want and people will just believe because it’s gods organization. The people in the organization are just so ignorant and arrogant at the same time.