Can I for a sec correct you statement? " I know that elders will legitimantly meet with brothers who have doubts and encourage them" to " I know that elders will legitimantly meet with brothers who have doubts and SILENCE them"
As others have already said this is a game that can have many outcomes depending on your preparation / the elders preparation, but I can guarantee one thing - they wont say you are right.
IF they see you with FOUNDED doubts, and notes, they may change the tune to DF you on the next min and "invite you " for a further meeting in the KH.
IF they see you without founded doubts or notes , they will BS theyre "truth" away, you will become "dangerous" within the org, and a process is internally initiated ( this is a corporation), that either ends with you asking forgiveness and being a "GOOD" witness or DF
Ive seen it over and over again.
When I called someone at my house to talk , I had the end of the conversation already in mind, regardless of what they could say, and that worked fine to me .Hope it helps
Take Care