Privacy is on a heated debate right now. On one hand ppl demand privacy on-line , on the other hand ppl demand security. Hard Balance .The outcome of this will surely affect us all.
AT THE MOMENT , to my knowledge there is no REAL anonymity in the web unless encrypted coms are used as in the I-phone and some other systems alike.
The "regular user" can be anonymous to the " regular user" sort of thing.
For the "advanced users" there are some more options , but ultimately is the organization that implements the system that control the system aka internet providers keeping logs for XXX years connection records that can be accessed under a judge request.For those that will go on about Thor witch I have , lets not just forget , that was the result of a U.S. Navy research project.
Ps. Smartphones are the most vulnerable devices to be hacked. There is software (OOOooooo) on line to monitor/track/register/delete/destroy phones or send data masked when Wi-Fi is on to a remote serve that can be accessed anywhere on the planet.
The Current State of technology is much more advanced of the one perceived by the general population I imagine.
Take Care All