Welcome to the forum , don't be too sad because you lost some time entangled with religions . they were designed for that. May you live many many more HAPPY years.
Happy research , hang in there .
Take Care
i finally had the guts to create a profile to be able to post.
i've been lurking for a few months and have read all your experiences and comments dutifully.
you have been a great help in my process of waking up from this cult posing as the one true religion.
Welcome to the forum , don't be too sad because you lost some time entangled with religions . they were designed for that. May you live many many more HAPPY years.
Happy research , hang in there .
Take Care
it was announced recently, that "bro.
z is no long the coordinator(76 years old), bro y(60) is now the new coordinator of the body of elders".. you see, bro.
z has been an elder for 43 years and 35 of them as the cobe/po.
So , a blind man that enforced Corporation rules upon others has step down so other "tech-savy" blind man will so the same to the next generation. Sad reality we live in
Unfortunately these were the people that conduct the LIES to our families , not helped them imo.... are they surprised that when no longer usable are replaced ? Its how a Corporation Works, unfortunately
“They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.”
Take Care
many people that don't keep up with technology news are, at best, vaguely aware that apple is fighting a court order to create a tool for the government to unlock one of the san bernadino terrorist's iphone.. what the fbi is asking for could jeopardize the security of all iphones.
besides the obvious possible slippery slope leading to governmental abuse of this technology they're asking apple to create, there is a more personal reason for many exjw's to be concerned about.. anytime you create a weakness in information security, there is always the possibility of that weakness being exploited.
sometimes, those weaknesses are difficult to exploit, sometimes they are easy.
Privacy is on a heated debate right now. On one hand ppl demand privacy on-line , on the other hand ppl demand security. Hard Balance .The outcome of this will surely affect us all.
AT THE MOMENT , to my knowledge there is no REAL anonymity in the web unless encrypted coms are used as in the I-phone and some other systems alike.
The "regular user" can be anonymous to the " regular user" sort of thing.
For the "advanced users" there are some more options , but ultimately is the organization that implements the system that control the system aka internet providers keeping logs for XXX years connection records that can be accessed under a judge request.For those that will go on about Thor witch I have , lets not just forget , that was the result of a U.S. Navy research project.
Ps. Smartphones are the most vulnerable devices to be hacked. There is software (OOOooooo) on line to monitor/track/register/delete/destroy phones or send data masked when Wi-Fi is on to a remote serve that can be accessed anywhere on the planet.
The Current State of technology is much more advanced of the one perceived by the general population I imagine.
Take Care All
but they don't forgive because they still shun people.
who they feel are not worthy of forgivenes.
lol , of course they encourage people to FORGET. Was that not one of the reasons we have organized religion? So that justice may no longer be searched or made , but instead delayed to the "other life " ?
So that corruption / abuse /enslavement can be made freely? ( in the bible - slavery is legal and approved by God. )
For from the Religions perspective we are NOT to seek justice or fairness, instead are encouraged to "give the other face" so that one day our father in heaven bla bla bla ?
Sure , one look around and we see this forgive and forget total B.S. is ONLY for the citizens. When Citizens fail in a law does the estate / irs/ police / debt colectors / and even religious organization truly forgive? NO as we shoudnt either .
Just my humble and ignorant opinion
Take Care All
so there is this young brother probably 14 or 15 and the elders are already grooming him to do more for jehobadahhh.
most of the elders in this kh are old like 60+ and sometimes there are not enough brothers to do the mics or sound so you will see a 70 year old elder forced into action.
almost comical to see a brother who thinks instagram is an email service try to operate the sound system and projector as he plays the wrong song or brings the screen down during a prayer.
Happens daily. As most boys at the time we all been there .Good thing I always smiled and waved and completely ignored them.
I just think the observation " I think this elder is a pedo. Us girls just know these things " just discredits your OP .
Take Care
they say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac conditions.it has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
The problem surfaces really for these sort of questions when we apply logic for the outcome is not expected by religious people
If by creator we imply the god of the bible as it is portrayed and
If by free will we imply self awareness / sentient in the way we can calculate different outcomes/consequences to a decision differently from an animal then:
An all knowing god , by giving "free will" would know the outcome and ALL that came to be would be his will , including the "wars in heavens and earth"
OMG ^^
Take Care
in a separate thread on the very latest figures for the current world wide annual report of jws, discussion turned to how "we'll know decline has really set in.
one of the posters said: .
the figure that interests me most is the number of congregations.
When they own records show that growth is not real growth, one can only imagine what the REAL records are ^^
Its all Good
in this jc the couple accused of apostasy, lay down some inconvenient and incontestable truths about the organization's teachings that leave the elders speechless - as far as them mustering any efforts to refute them.
oh and by the way, do you remember what geoffrey jackson said at the australian royal commission when he was asked about an inactive jw being called to account if the elders stopped by and find him celebrating the holiday?
don't worry if you've forgotten because the couple mentions it to the elders, you know, seeing as it's the very same reason why they're being accused of apostasy, thus proving geoffrey jackson's statements to be false!.
From the Watchtower perspective ,the J.C. has ONLY 2 possible outcomes which unfortunately don't include leaving people leaving they lives peacefully
1 - Person(s) in question still believe whatever they believe at the JC time ( that may change next week as new light comes out)
2 - Person(s) are D.F. if they insist on whatever contrary ideas they have even if PROVEN true
The issues were generally well presented , but ofc the "brothers" didn't had a clue/ had heard them before and wanted to delay the D.F.
Problem is the 3rd option was not available and should.
If it is an option, avoiding the JC is a right as is just ignoring you ever were a JW and just dismiss it like a BIG MISTAKE we did in the past. I personally think the elders had heard that stuff before but that has to stick to they're minds for a long time I think.
I think when a Corporation dictates LAWS that interfere with people lives negatively it is in line to lock horns with a Government that will look to tap in that discontent. No need to be wise to see the unevitable .Witch one we wait to see
All the best for the ones involved
the majority of members who tend to join this forum have been hurt possibly even traumatized sometimes to the point of wanting to end their lives.
upon joining the forum, new members are welcomed with open arms, welcome messages start pouring in, "likes" are freely given, a false sense of security is promoted where a member is free to speak his mind without having to worry about the wt gestapo.
again, similar to how potential converts are welcomed and "love bombed" upon entering a kh for the first time.
Hello , Well since I don't despise Jw witness, including my family , but instead feel sorry for them as a whole I don't really know what to answer to that, but I understand your point of view I think and is valid.
I believe the answer depends on what people expect from this forum, on they being pleased with it, or disappointed.
Im here because I sympathize with the cause , have family in, like to read and write one in a while here.
Each one has its reason , but I wouldn't look at it as a religion which I think it was what your were doing , by comparing the 2 groups. Only outside religions can people freely speak out of theyre mind about anything, but thinking the human nature could be overcomed by all in a public forum seems a bit unrealistic to me.
I think its great when people disagree. How the hell would we move forward if everybody agreed in something Wrong?
Take Care
some announcement of sorts?.
there are all kinds of conspiracy theories.
their head count and time cards are all faked by the gb, and "congregations".
Well , +I don't think either the Watchtower will end, as others that existed before, because as long there is lack of information amongst people, religions spread if we take into account history and current statistics . The more technologically / information based a society is , the less % of persons believe in religions, basically.
I don't think Watchtower will be able to morph into mainstream anymore as any other but instead try to more around in the world to prey on the LESS information based society's. At some point I imagine they will be a small group regarded somewhat odd and stuck in time by people around them. How they will pass from big now to small after I don't know if just falling in numbers evenly with the years or by some blow in the finances like taxing them or something else. Ofc the Corporation will too try to predict they're end as to avoid it.
Either way I think will not end per se , but end as we now it as in relevant surely.
Take Care