JoinedTopics Started by Hendrixgrip
by Hendrixgrip ini should preface my comments by pointing out that i have no aversion to being disfellowshipped.
i fully expect that to happen.
all of my immediate family and a great deal of my extended family have moved on with me and we all enjoy a full and satisfying life.
Accept flip flop beliefs....Jehovah is the one who is driving the Celestial chariot
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower bible and tract society uses its governing body to force jehovah's witnesses to accept their flip-flop beliefs and doctrines.
their history of conflicting false teachings and practices have left members in confusion.. in this video, david splane blames jehovah god for all the changing doctrines.
"jehovah is driving the chariot.".
Manipulative language
by Hendrixgrip insomeone recently included the phrase from a talk, “cherished errors”, which made me think about something i wanted to get off my chest.
the societies use of manipulative language has been discussed on this site many time and i hope this adds to the ammunition to fight back against them.
periodically , i’ll run into someone and they’ll say “hendrixgrip, why don’t you come to the meetings anymore.” i’ll give them some not too specific reason like, “i’m struggling with the overlapping doctrine”.
WT Study October 2018....spinning ''layoffs'' into ''reassigning'' ex-Bethelites ''to the field''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwt study october 2018. maintain inner peace despite changing circumstances.
lloyd and alexandra learn that they have been reassigned to the field, they at first felt sad.
after all, they had been serving at bethel for over 25 years.
by Hendrixgrip inhi, this is my long overdue introduction.
i’ve been visiting this site since probably around 2011. in that time, i’ve taken a lot from these discussions and never contributed anything.
i’m not sure that i have much to contribute these days because i just don’t pay too much attention to wt land.
Bit of a rant - WT twisting Jesus’ words, (to whom shall we go/ where should we go), etc.
by Muddy Waters inin wt, november 2018 study edition, the wt/ gb again plant the idea about never leaving the religion when they change jesus’ words, as ray franz pointed out in his book, “crisis of consience”, from: “lord, whom shall we go away to?” to, “where else could we go?
?” - as though teachings of decency and love toward others should be found in them only, and in their special places, and not in a person’s own home, or school, or charitable organization, or having hearts filled with love and graciousness, and empathy, compassion.. toward others.... .
they take an ideology (the bible and jehovah) and then make decrees (and commands and doctrines of men) and then bind up heavy loads.... they become pharisees, measuring the tenth of the dill and the mint and the cumin.... and hmm, something else.... ?.
How Religious Fundamentalism Hijacks The Brain- Psychology Today
by Brokeback Watchtower inhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201810/how-religious-fundamentalism-hijacks-the-brain.
in moderation, religious and spiritual practices can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being.
but religious fundamentalism—which refers to the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text or leaders—is almost never good for an individual.