Conduct when nobody's home is kosher! Hell, if I accused my brother of apostasy while battling a terrible addiction to porn my conscience would allow me to watch more porn! Secrets gossiping chatter-boxes hide while throwing their friends under the bus! My how our conscience only bother's us when our brother is saying things, yet it's cool when we participate by "talking dirty to sisters", "telling strangers our wild sexual fanstasies" perhaps picking up some working girl in a wholesome attempt to preach Christ to her, while talking dirty! The bestest part is I can remain in good standing in my Kingdom hall, because I showed loyalty!
JoinedPosts by HelpMeBelieve
Apostasy Trial - Part 5
by RayPublisher inwell part 5 was just put up on youtube!
this is the third 45 minute segment of the 3+ hour meeting.
topics covered include:.
Can we change adjust our usernames? I don't need help any more to believe.
by HelpMeBelieve ini've heard enough to make my stomach sick, childish talk from two-faced liars, hipocritical "the friends" "the bestest people on earth", blah blah blah!.
the rampant gossip is breaking me down, i think there is no such thing as a "best friend" in thee watchtower universe of pulp fiction.
slander, malicious bitter back-biting.
Bummer, Ray's sound and rational discussion sunk my battleship! No need for help believing, his three elders had no idea what they believe or don't believe!
The Organization helped me develop a partial reading habit of the Bible with their aids. Opening the Bible in between classes, using the U's learning resource center, classes on world religion are opening up this gray matter!
Can we change adjust our usernames? I don't need help any more to believe.
by HelpMeBelieve ini've heard enough to make my stomach sick, childish talk from two-faced liars, hipocritical "the friends" "the bestest people on earth", blah blah blah!.
the rampant gossip is breaking me down, i think there is no such thing as a "best friend" in thee watchtower universe of pulp fiction.
slander, malicious bitter back-biting.
I have lots of homework to jumble and these "Red Bulls and Red Cheetos" are ripping my stomach into pieces.
Are there any Math Majors on JWN, check "Stochastic Calculus" out, it's gonna make your mind pop!
Great Crowd is NOT under the New Covenant...Where does it say this?
by Christ Alone ini was wondering if there was anywhere someone could point to in the bible for the watchtower belief that the great crowd is not included in the new covenant.
i know that this is their line of thinking when it comes to jesus being mediator.
they say that jesus is only mediator of the new covenant and since the gc is not under the new covenant, jesus is not specifically a mediator to them.
Well, I think Ray Publisher asked that question in different words in part 2 of his trial. Listen towards the end as he ask "D, C, and E" if they believe this very concept.
Yes, Ray asked them if they believed "Jesus was their Mediator", "only through the "Faithful Slave is Jesus their mediator. Most JWs don't even know how to split this dogma into pieces, most wrongly belive Jesus is their Mediator. I did not enjoy bursting their bubble by telling them "No, Jesus is only mediator to the "annointed", we eat off the crumbs that fall off the dining halls table of Brooklyn.
Can we change adjust our usernames? I don't need help any more to believe.
by HelpMeBelieve ini've heard enough to make my stomach sick, childish talk from two-faced liars, hipocritical "the friends" "the bestest people on earth", blah blah blah!.
the rampant gossip is breaking me down, i think there is no such thing as a "best friend" in thee watchtower universe of pulp fiction.
slander, malicious bitter back-biting.
I've heard enough to make my stomach sick, childish talk from two-faced liars, hipocritical "the friends" "the bestest people on earth", blah blah blah!
The rampant gossip is breaking me down, I think there is no such thing as a "best friend" in thee Watchtower Universe of pulp fiction. Slander, malicious bitter back-biting.
Change my name to "Seven Sleepers of Ephesus"? "The Nine Sleepers of New York?" "Mr-T-and-the-Foo-Fighters"?
The Seven Sleepers woke up to a World without the relentless persecution of the Christian faith and freedom to believe.
At This Point In Your Life Would You Care If You Were Disfellowshipped or Disassociated?
by minimus ini'm curious..
Elephant say's "is there a difference"
A person could leave the Organization due to doctrinal errors with a touch of bad people being evil. Brother B is disfellowshiped for selling drugs and raping little girls and the end result is?
Nobody knows who the bad person is, but Brother B will be called upon once a year by the elders to see if he has had a change of heart from jail. Brother A. will be left alone forever, B is more evil and unworthy of a yearly check up, he has been judged to go to Ghenna!
James Wood's illustration is perfect:
"It reminds me of what the test pilots used to call the notoriously dangerous ejection seat in the F-104 fighter - "a way to commit suicide to avoid being killed".
At This Point In Your Life Would You Care If You Were Disfellowshipped or Disassociated?
by minimus ini'm curious..
Let's talk about Psychology and the JWs
by cptkirk ini should put out a series on this, taking one aspect of psychology and applying it to jw madness one facet at a time.
i think this is really a great one too, because oh god, the flood of thoughts in my mind right now, i could write an entire book..... lets look at one very specific point, self responsibility, but not only self responsibility, but also how we ascribe responsibility to others (in the borg terms).. we all know that this religion is mainly built on what?
status, and cult power right?
I agree that JWs should be held on a high level or under a stronger lense of the microscope. This group brags they are "God's People", "Have direct Bible insights from the Faithful Slave of (Matthew 24) , are "No part of Christendom (line used to speak with Muslims) a better and fresher version of stale old Christianity.", "the only group that remains neutral during war or times of political unrest." "clean, wholesome and the invisible "loving brotherhood" are their trademark.
Jehovah Witnesses do not want to be judged the way the judge everyone and every other religion. Logic requires if they make these big loud claims, we need to evaulate them by their actions (past and current) and doctrines (darkness to light) and compare these to what the Bible requires of Christians. We need to evaluate them by humans ideas of common decency and love just as well!
I now know that every religion has good people and heaping piles of shit, people who are ready to help and love and those who want to rip you and your individual identity into pieces if you don't obey them! To think I thought only JWs were the religion of "love and goodness", some of the worst humans beings I know are JWs in positions of elder or pioneer. The group mind tells people not to judge these "apostles of god" and focus on the weak brothers and sisters, the weaker animals are always easier to pick on!
I don't know if you read my post about grandma thinking I am going nuts because I use the word "love" she uses "works, blind obedience, meeting attendance" a different way to gauge if you are a good person.
Think for a moment, who are the worst villians in Jehovah Witness theology? The mass-murderer, the serial rapist, the pedophile, the child rapist-killer? No, the worst possible person in JW Theology is the "APOSTATE!"
I enjoy you thougths into this Captian Kirk!
Disturbing WT quotes
by Christ Alone ini wanted to start a thread about the most disturbing quotes that you all have found in watchtower publications.
i just came across this one when responding to another thread.
i'm sure there are many more disturbing quotes out there.
Stroking the babies genitals still takes place in Middle Eastern and African countries.
"Thighing" is even more evil, the Watchtower qoutes are strange but if they can shine some light on the strange sex practices and unhealthy touching of children, let them do it!
What is "Thighing"? It's some sick sht!
Let's talk about Psychology and the JWs
by cptkirk ini should put out a series on this, taking one aspect of psychology and applying it to jw madness one facet at a time.
i think this is really a great one too, because oh god, the flood of thoughts in my mind right now, i could write an entire book..... lets look at one very specific point, self responsibility, but not only self responsibility, but also how we ascribe responsibility to others (in the borg terms).. we all know that this religion is mainly built on what?
status, and cult power right?
Captian Kirk, this goes on with local charities, non profit groups, any place people meet there is a need to feel important. No place is safe from weak humans wanting to "play the price over everyone" or feel they are better than the other members of the group. Groups bring out our best and worst traits, if we can dig out the bad traits from our brain and focus on good!
I tolerate their strange behaviour because I want to help the people, the few who want the glory of men or women can have it!