JoinedPosts by NeverKnew
Right! So the meeting last night, a few interesting things
by Jon Preston inso i havent been to a meeting in some time and my wife decided we should go.
we showed up late, i was love bombed by an elder with a man-hug where i felt i was made a spectacle of.
moving on.
Jehovahs Witnesses make a big deal about following first century christianity, so please explain this.
by smiddy inwhere in the christian greek scriptures do disciples of christ record how many hours a month they preached.. " " " " 10 hours for women and children and slack husbands with no ambition.
" " " " do they record how many back calls / return visits they made in a month.. " " " " have they set down how many bible studys they had in a month.. " " " " do they have pioneers ,special pioneers , aux.pioneers , with goals to reach each month.. " " " " do they have d.o.
, c.o., zone servants , etc.etc.. " " " " where in the christian greek scriptures is the word " organisation" applied to christianity.
Jesus/Michael came to earth so women could wear pantyhose. Is there a preferred sanitary napkin brand?
As an outsider, I'm going to venture to guess that the preferred brand of the GB would be "Always."
"Stayfree" would have to be an apostate-endorsed brand.
"We have NO idea how many in our congregation were baptized last year."
by NeverKnew inwas i lied to?.
are the members of a congregation even mildly aware of how many people who belong to their very own congregation were recently baptized?
As an fyi, the three I was speaking to are very engaged.
I was talking about the growth of other denominations so there's only one reason I can come up with for being deceptive.
"We have NO idea how many in our congregation were baptized last year."
by NeverKnew inwas i lied to?.
are the members of a congregation even mildly aware of how many people who belong to their very own congregation were recently baptized?
Carla, that's what seems odd to me. With all the prep work one has to endure, I would have thought that there'd be a line up that would be the equivalent of a graduation ceremony at one's personal congregation after the swim.
Apog: A few handshakes? Wouldn't a person be capable of providing a vague estimate?...
"let's see, I remember congratulating Brother Bob, Sister Jane, and Brother Bob's 13 year old last Summer, and Brother Alfred last Fall, so 4 maybe?"
Pam's girl, you might be on to something. :)
"We have NO idea how many in our congregation were baptized last year."
by NeverKnew inwas i lied to?.
are the members of a congregation even mildly aware of how many people who belong to their very own congregation were recently baptized?
This congregation, I'm told, is right around 100.
Is there no celebration of one's baptism? How about an acknowledgement?
....congratulatory handshake? Anything?
Aren't Jehovah's Witnesses really standing in front of the LIGHT and blocking it?
by Terry infolks are about as happy as they decide to be.. looking on the bright side of life gives you more of a foothold when things go awry.
nurturing hope builds a foundation for you which enables you to save for tomorrow and build toward the future and hang on when things get tough.. people dig their own graves when they become pessimists.
"why bother" replaces "that's worth a try!".
Very accurate!
As an outsider, I'm baffled by the notion that things are horrible. People have lost their lives for the freedoms that some now have. To not give God praise for the blessing of life and instead complain that the era of birth isn't working out for them, to me, is an insult towards God.
"We have NO idea how many in our congregation were baptized last year."
by NeverKnew inwas i lied to?.
are the members of a congregation even mildly aware of how many people who belong to their very own congregation were recently baptized?
Was I lied to?
Are the members of a congregation even mildly aware of how many people who belong to their very own congregation were recently baptized?
Jehovahs Witnesses make a big deal about following first century christianity, so please explain this.
by smiddy inwhere in the christian greek scriptures do disciples of christ record how many hours a month they preached.. " " " " 10 hours for women and children and slack husbands with no ambition.
" " " " do they record how many back calls / return visits they made in a month.. " " " " have they set down how many bible studys they had in a month.. " " " " do they have pioneers ,special pioneers , aux.pioneers , with goals to reach each month.. " " " " do they have d.o.
, c.o., zone servants , etc.etc.. " " " " where in the christian greek scriptures is the word " organisation" applied to christianity.
I JUST had a conversation with a group of witnesses into the wee hours of this morning.
The eunich was not reading "the BIBLE." It didn't exist. He was connected to means and therefore had access to Hebrew scrolls. He was reading scriptures that had existed for a few hundred (yes, "hundred") years and trying to make application of Isaiah's words to this "Yeshua" dude (wrangling with the Maschiach ben Yosef/Maschiach ben David challenge, I suppose).
Gentiles were being baptized with absolutely no reference material. Hebrew scriptures were unobtainable to the common person and there was absolutely no Christian New Testament. Our New Testament scriptures seem to suggest that these ignorant masses were considered accepted by God but somehow to be accepted by God in the 21st century one must endure hours of study with a WTS adherent.
The acceptance of an Almighty being contigent upon the acceptance of one group of men's hermeneutics is complete arrogance.
Seeing a WT illustration of two "First-Century Christians" preaching door-to-door in Palestine (with book bags and scrolls, no less) a few years back was one of the more surreal WTF moments I experienced when my fade was in gear...
I would love to see this picture.
Detroit DC is NOT filling up? Please book a hotel room!! -letter
by ?me? inwe have had a letter read the last 2 meetings to all congs attenidng the detroit dc's... seems people are not going, or not booking their hotels.
and the society is pissed!
they are imploring every one to not wait for a new list with new hotels, it is not happening.
oh, and we only had 2 baptized at the assembly.
How many were in attendance?
OK Charges against McAlester dismissed/statute of limitations expired
by blondie in
lawrences attorney, warren gotcher, of mcalester, succeeded in his arguments to have the case dismissed based on an expiration of a statute of limitations.
Will he be disfellowshipped?