Shirley, traffic is bad on 95 but not THAT bad. :)
That's insane.
well it was announced the other night that the new convention venue will be about a twenty hour drive away.
in that 20 hours will include at least 3 hour boat ride.
i'm guessing the cost of the boat ride + the cost of fuel would probably be about $us800 - $us 900. that wouldn't include the loss of wages for the 4 days just to get there and return.
Shirley, traffic is bad on 95 but not THAT bad. :)
That's insane.
hello there i am new to the faith and have been studying for about a month.
i am very excited and hungry for the truth and have not missed a meeting or study since the memorial.
we do about 2 bible studies a week.
JNJ... I have never been a JW and only have JW friends. They have certain cliches that are foreign to non JWs. Your language pattern has outed you. Your semantics are pure jw if anyone were to ask me. If I weren't on a tablet I could copy and paste them. There's no way you could pick up this language pattern in one months study.
I'm hoping you're sincere but....
I'm also finding it telling that you were able to use the word troll correctly in under 10 posts here. Despite surrounding the word in quotes, you used it correctly and knew enough to deny the label.
You may be sincere in your goal, but is lying is an appropiate way to bear witness? Which 1st century Christians used deceipt? I'd like to know whose model you're using.
it's mother's day today, a lovely tradition that probably raises lots of thoughts and emotions in ex jws... i was walking around the local supermarket and remembered my family's next door neighbours, who were very intellectually disabled.. in hindsight they probably weren't able to look after themselves, as they lived in absolute squalor.. they didn't have two coins to rub together, yet they went to the effort to buy my family a card and get them a small gift.. i was newly out, and watched in absolute shame and horror as my mother said, in a very superior manner " we don't celebrate christmas", .
it's something i think of often with shame... i too was that superior... to my shame..
I was once told by a gloating JW that JWs appreciate their loved ones year round.
After the explanation I responded in kind. "I'm baffled as to how one can believe that they can appreciate their Mom (Mothers Day), child (birthday), lover (valentines day), father (Fathers Day), or family (Christmas) on 364 days of a year but if an appreciation is shown on a date that everyone else customarily celebrates the same person, God will be disappointed in you? ... So if an Australian JW gives his mom a gift on an American holiday called Mothers Day, how does he get forgiveness?"
dear brothers:.
we are writing as a follow-up to the letters dated january 24, 2014, and march 29, 2014,. to all congregations regarding the adjustments now underway to accelerate construction of king-.
dom halls and assembly halls.. .
IMHO with respect to project management, I agree with Apog. They got a flurry of calls with questions that probably made corporate realize the flaws in the way the information was presented.
Hey, maybe these brake lights that are showing up on the dashboard will help some elders realize there's a problem with the engine.
there are 4 single men who are serving as ms. all are tripping over themselves for attenttion.
do they have to marry off a ministerial servant before taking him to the next level?.
and what percentage of elders are married?
There are 4 single men who are serving as MS. All are tripping over themselves for attenttion. Do they have to marry off a ministerial servant before taking him to the next level?
And what percentage of elders are married?
this is one question that trinitarians try to avoid because they have created a very embarrassing problem.
the bible is very clear when the angel tells mary that holy spirit will overshadow her and she will become pregnant.
the angel does not say the father will overshadow her but the holy spirit will and if the holy spirit is a person that would make him the father of jesus.
Jonza you forgot to recommend the use of non-NWT Bibles.
as i have mentioned here for many years there are some things i totally disagree with the wt society on but one thing i do believe they have right is that the earth is going to last forever.
one thing that has always amazed me with born agains that teach the earth is going to burn up is the scripture where jesus says "the meek will inherit the earth".
this is clear and plain and why would jesus outright "lie" about the earth if he knew it was going to burn up?
I'm starting to see that BookerT is really good at creating false dilemmas. Booker, are you actually a writer with the WTS just testing to see what has to be re-worded? Unlike what the WTS teaches, there ARE denominations that hold to there being life here on earth after Armegeddon.
If the NWT writers would stop butchering verses, one might be able to consider that there could be an argument that goes either way. At Genesis 8:22 (Torah was the highest authority of Scriptures)
Genesis 8:22
ESV: While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease
KJV: While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
ASV: While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
NIV: As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.
And now we consider the NWT's updated language Bible.
NWT: From now on, the earth will never cease to have seed-sowing and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night.
The WTS does a lot of quoting from Psalms and Ecclesiastes which are a part of Ketuvim. You might learn a lot from that alone.
this is one question that trinitarians try to avoid because they have created a very embarrassing problem.
the bible is very clear when the angel tells mary that holy spirit will overshadow her and she will become pregnant.
the angel does not say the father will overshadow her but the holy spirit will and if the holy spirit is a person that would make him the father of jesus.
Booker, you aren't serious... are you?
so many at my wife's hall have rushed to buy i-pads,androids etc for use in servicetm and at the hall.. most know little or nothing about how to use them but have joined the stampede to tm and the reinvention of the wtbts.. it prompted one elder at my wife's hall to have a seminar at his house to explain how to use them in service and at the hall.. how exciting.... one 80 year old pioneer woman will be there with her new toy.. as a distraction it seems to be working quite well.
no need to worry about 1914 or other issues.. they are all nuts and getting nuttier....
I "study" with two people who can't even pay attention to what I'm saying. As soon as I mention a verse as a possible contradiction to what they're saying, they are jwgoogling my reference. Once, I read a verse to them from my ESV. Before they committed to a response, I was asked, "what verse is that?" I told them I wasn't saying because they weren't listening to me.
BOY was there a raucous after that! They FLIPPED!
even when i was dyed-in-the-wool j-dub, i felt the armageddon teaching was one of the most morbid concepts to be hammered into the psyches of jws.
think about it, only jws would survive this catastrophe, which translates to roughly .001 percent of the population would survive while everyone else would die a horrible death.
that includes people who do good things and are good people, but are just not jws.
I was at a meeting just recently where the speaker stated that the birds were going to come and eat the dead people. He went on to say that it was one of Jehovah's loving provisions. People were smiling. As a non-jw, I was creeped out by the statement then blown away by how the statement was received.