It's funny. As a non witness who knows what to listen for, I have a heightened sense of awareness. It seems witnesses naturally change their language patterns with non witnesses.
But the word that now makes the hair on my arms stand up? ....
It is said ad nauseum during the service and is then Incorporated into the hello greeting for the presenters after the service. It's like "dripping syrup into a bag of sugar" level of sweet. I'm baffled as to why nobody gives a more creative compliment.
Next in line...
REALLY? As an outsider I'm wondering "I can't think of a higher arrogance! Who are YOU to rank a persons spirituality?!?"
....of .... things (can someone be more specific?).
things to be over soon (have ya read Amos 5? Woe to you who desire the day of the Lord?)
goverment things vs holy things
Can they not co-exist?
Again non JW here so I can only offer my frame. As I think of more I'll add them.
when faced with awkward questions about the morality of god many christians respond by distancing themselves from the old testament and focusing on "gentle jesus meek and mild" of the new testament.. for bible-believing christians this is intellectually dishonest.. according to christian dogma jesus was the god of abraham isaac and jacob.
the logos, the alpha and omega who is "the same yesterday, today, and forever.".
he claimed that "he that has seen me has seen the father" and that "i and the father are one".. in short, christians assert that jesus is almighty god from all eternity.. it therefore follows that jesus was the god who ordered the nation of israel to take slaves as inheritable possessions.
I'm getting the impression that a few "JWs gone Atheist" believe that the God of the Old Testament, if he were truly good, would not have done anything that would compromise anyone's happiness.
If there was a God, should the circumstances have been kinda like the JW's Paradise? Is that what I'm getting here?
I just read these with curiosity as this perspective is very different from that which I know. And btw, I only passively engage in these debates. I can't learn the mindset of those who I'm trying to help if I'm busy telling people what they should think.
Will be gone for a few hours... but I'm excited to read the thoughts that get added.
let's set aside our differences for the moment and appreciate this excellent documentary cedars put together that should prove to be an invaluable tool in helping to expose the child abuse issues in the organization.. i was humbled to be able to help with this project on such an important subject, though my part in it was insignificant..
first let me introduce my self, i am a 33yo male show spent much of his youth in the jw cult, i was not raised into the truth however thought i found it at the age of 11 when a well caring brother knocked my door, i had no father figure so this brother was everything to me, like a father, i quickly began attending meetings even when my mom used to oppose, i was taken like an example kid because i was an "orphan" in the spiritual sense, i got baptized when i was 12, and spent the rest of my teenage years being this good kid everyone thought i was, i hated that attention and pressure however it felt good to be doing good things, when i was about to finish high school i started to get into punk and ska music, i used to listen to it in secret, one time an elder found out and went to my house when i wasnt there, he went into my room and took all my cds, this was my first time i felt like i was being invaded of my privacy, i was made to feel guilty for liking this music and lost all my priviledges..theres a lot more i can say but i will stick to the main points, i became a reg pioneer, i became an ms, the whole thing, living in new york allowed me to visit bethel many times and had many many friends there, at the head quarters and walkill, in my cong we had bethelite elders etc, so yeah i was "in the club" , i always had a doubt in the back of my mind if what i was doing was the right thing, i used to rent the basement out of en elders house, he is what made me turn, he was the mos unloving person i ever met, for instance he would turn off the heat during snow storms, sometimes due to my pioneering i had no food and he knew this, well no food from him etc.
yet all this time i thought i was doing the right thing, eventually i feel in love and started dating this beautiful pioneer girl, daughter of pioneer parents as well, i never felt fully excepted because of my spiritual orphan status and no family in the truth, eventually got to a point where i could not communicate with her and her parents used to pick up the calls, they told me i could not continue to pursue a relationship with her, i was devastated!
long story short i wanted to see her etc, they put a restraining order and labeled me a stalker, made a mistake of sending her an e-mail and well, that got me arrested!!
Hmpf.... and a few posts ago, I wondered if you were hot, Brandnew. You can forget it now! *giggling*
Welcome NoDoubter! I'm a non-JW who has to swallow chunks of vomit when friends and family talk about everyone being on the same level from Governing Body members on down. "You see," they say, "the churches have all those men with titles and we don't!"
just wondering, as i will be visiting active jw family in ohio in a few weeks, do you think it will be worthwhile dropping it into a conversation, about the wtbts pyramid near his grave, or try some other topic to try and wake them up.
i was never baptized and don't really care if they get upset or not, but it is only a day trip from ohio to pittsburgh, and thought it would be fun if they denied it, and then drove their to see it for ourselves.
just wondering, as i will be visiting active jw family in ohio in a few weeks, do you think it will be worthwhile dropping it into a conversation, about the wtbts pyramid near his grave, or try some other topic to try and wake them up.
i was never baptized and don't really care if they get upset or not, but it is only a day trip from ohio to pittsburgh, and thought it would be fun if they denied it, and then drove their to see it for ourselves.
And Wing Commander appears to be angry about practices that the majority on this board once held dear instituted by an organization whose policies you personally do not control.
in your request you didn't come off as arrogant nor did you require anyone to obey. Heck... People ask for money all the time.
Wing, I can't think of a post you've made that I didn't appreciate but right now, you aren't speaking for me. I am quite capable of declining a request without being insulting. This guy did not create your problem. The intensity of your anger makes me wonder if you've ever assaulted a street beggar. I mean... if this is all it takes. Jeez
And C'mon! Did anyone REALLY know Lett had a face made of rubber before JW TV?
From the outside distrust is just embedded into the JW mindset. Over time that may change.
Scared and lonely, as a non and never have been JW, my recommendation to you is to stay grounded in what your goals are. Someone else's inability or apprehension to trust you IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM. Do not add to your existing challenges by making their problems yours. And STOP apologizing.
"I'm hurting." .... "you're a liar AND a troll!" It's like I'm watching Trump in a debate.
Personally, I don't need protection from the self appointed Troll Police Force and I'd be glad to make myself available to help you understand the general mindset of non-JWs from my perspective.