Personally, I can't see myself involved in another religion. To me, it is all just a business using Christ or some other God's name. However, I do believe in God and creationism. The universe is too beautiful and has too much order to believe that a random explosion created it. I just don't believe that God is behind the WT. As far as core principles, at this point I just believe we are supposed to love and help one another. Just my 2 cents.
JoinedPosts by HereIgo
Question for Christians: What Religion are You Now?
by LaurenM ini know many on here are atheist.
but for the christians on here...what religion are you now that you are no longer a jw?
i'm still undecided as to whether i believe in god.
JW's know how to guilt trip....
by HereIgo inwhen i left the org, the jw's tried their best to guilt trip me.
some of the questions i was asked and things i was told:.
"how could you possibly be happy outside of jehovah's organization?
Mercy is not in their vocab
JW's know how to guilt trip....
by HereIgo inwhen i left the org, the jw's tried their best to guilt trip me.
some of the questions i was asked and things i was told:.
"how could you possibly be happy outside of jehovah's organization?
When I left the org, the JW's tried their best to guilt trip me. Some of the questions I was asked and things I was told:
"How could you POSSIBLY be happy outside of Jehovah's Organization?" (watch me!)
"The world will eat you alive and spit you back out!"
"Why don't you just humble yourself and talk to the elders?" (because they are men maybe?)
"The elders might DF you, but they might not, just talk to them"
"Do you really want to see your 3 year old daughter destroyed?"
"I know you are not responsible for them, but what do you think all of the young bros will think when they see you leaving?" (reminded me of Charles Barkley, I am NOT a role model for your kids )
"What does the world really have to offer you?" (idk, sanity and freedom from cults?)
Did anyone else experience guilt trips and shaming?
What is your story?
by HereIgo ini thought it would be fun to get to know each other's background a little better.. what brought you into the "truth"?
were you born in?.
what caused you to have doubts?.
Great stories...
I wasn't born in the "truth" but I was born around it. My dad was worldly and my mom was very lukewarm. She was the type, when she was studying, the sisters would show up and she would still be asleep and miss her study, she never took it seriously lol We went to conventions and memorials annually but besides that, never went to meetings. When my grandmother passed in 2003, I was 15 years old, that's when things got serious. My mom believed she would see her again in the resurrection and got very serious in the religion. I also believed in the teachings and at 16 was baptized. I began having doubts shortly after, due to hypocrisy I had witnessed. I faded at age 22 in 2010. My mother and siblings continue to pursue the religion faithfully and don't speak to me because of it. It makes me sad but I'd rather have it this way than live a fake lifestyle.
Kingdom Hall construction -- Counting time and reporting travel, meals, and lodging expenses
by FatFreek 2005 ini have two questions.
1. if you work on kingdom hall construction, are you allowed to count your time in lieu of field service?
an old thread here indicated that if you are pioneer, you can count your time.
Yes, when I was regular pioneering, I counted my time assisting on the build. Not sure if Aux Pioneers can count time, maybe someone can clarify. Not sure about deducting expenses on tax return though...
Disassociation revealed what type of man my father really is.
by Paul Mooney ini began my exit from the jehovah’s witness organization about 5 years.
i was a 4th generation born-in, with all the baggage that comes with having the “spiritual heritage” attached to the group.
i was an elder/bethelite/pioneer/whatever other useless privilege there was, i had no family or friends outside of the organization… my entire life was that org.
Wow Paul that was deep and touched me because I feel deep down that my mother feels the same way as your father, but too afraid to admit. I wonder just how many people feel the same way your father does. They want to leave but too afraid to do so. I am glad you found peace and content with your decision.
Finding out that jws are not what they make out to be
by nomorepain13 in*warning this is long* it all started on the last day of the "remain loyal to jehovah" convention.
a little background story, i've been raised as a jw, been in and out of the religon, never baptised but was made an unbaptized publisher about 3 years ago, always felt out of place in the congregation, blamed myself for this because if i had just went to meetings and did all the right things then i would have friends and not be in the mess that i was.
right after becoming an unbaptized publisher i met my now fiance, end up leaving my mother's house to live with him, elders haven't contacted me about my situation even though i'm sure they know as my step father is an elder...but anyway on the last day of the convention my fiance came with me as i was visiting my mother and had planned to go with her and her husband to the convention.
If you stick around long enough, you will see many more examples of unloving jws. I'm glad you saw it for what it was and didnt make excuses for their unloving behavior. We are here to help and there are also many threads on this forum that could help you.
CO visits me today
by Chook ini'm at home and hear knock on door , i sneak and look i see two men and recognise one voice and go back into lonunge and ask wife ( who is inactive believer) does she want to speak to elders ,she says no ,then literally 3 minutes has pasted another knock the 3 minutes seemed like an eternity.
so brave heart me think fuck it i'll answer ,i invite them in for coffee, i recognise one older man he is a unique elder who i genuinely was fond of when i was in his name is andrew ,the other guy i didn't recognise we will call harry ( not real name australia doesn't have that many cos with his same name).
so i think to myself i will tread lightly and not cause to much of a fuss for the wife's sake, but my personality is very the opposite of treading lightly ,as you read my threads you will realise i'm not timid.
Chook, great job! it's funny because if the same thing happened to me, I would be hesitant but probably would end up talking to them also! We are armed with so many strong, factual arguments against the org. I liked the point you brought out about how Jesus never mentioned Jehovah's name, I never thought about that before.
Requesting a few dozen copies of any edition of Watchtower and/or Awake!
by Pete J ini need maybe 2-5 dozen copies of any edition of the watchtower or awake!
magazines to distribute to family, friends, and neighbors.
any reasonable condition.
You guys are right, my apologies if I offended anyone
Requesting a few dozen copies of any edition of Watchtower and/or Awake!
by Pete J ini need maybe 2-5 dozen copies of any edition of the watchtower or awake!
magazines to distribute to family, friends, and neighbors.
any reasonable condition.
You do realize this is an Ex JW site??