Let me resume the GB letter for you in one pic:
JoinedPosts by BluePill2
What is this latest letter from the GB about?
by stuckinarut2 inwe have been told this week that all in the elder and ms body will be read a letter from the gb about "make this the greatest month of activity ever"..... has anyone else had such a letter read out in their cong / servant body?.
i presume it will be all about "recommending strongly/insisting" that all these men should pioneer for the month?.
This Site has lots of good Jehovah's Witness JOKES. Have a laugh!
by BluePill2 infound this neat site (was searching for good world championship jokes - was not disappointed).
plenty of good jw jokes:.
Found this neat site (was searching for good World Championship jokes - was not disappointed)
Plenty of good JW jokes:
I warn you, jokes about other topics can be quite rough and crude (not without reason called SICKipedia...)
Some of my favourites:
"Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate Halloween? They don't like random strangers knocking on their door."
"How many Jehovah's Witnesses does it take to change a light bulb? Three: one to change the bulb and turn it on, the other two bastards to knock on your door and ask if you've seen the light..."
Always good to have a good laugh.
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 inbefore i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
You understand me. If that post helps only one person to see what we are trying to say and acts (becoming a whistleblower) than this was all worth it.
I am not mad at villagegirl, I understand where she is coming from, although I also don't know her personal circumstances and her mental settings whilst writing what she wrote. At the same time there are details to my account that I cannot and will not disclose on a public forum, as that is NOT the purpose of my thread and will neither help the victims or punish the perpetrator(s). I also think that villagegirl actually didn't properly read my OP and/or didn't get the point of why I was writing this (this might be due to my language limitations and the limitations of a board like this where you can't see the person and therefore one element of judgement is missing, albeit a very important one in human communication). Sometimes problems like this one are more complex and the "obvious" frontal approach makes things worse (especially for the victims!).
Can total justice be made? No, as for that, these children should have not gone through this terrible experience at all. As some of you know, in a pursuit to punish the criminal, often the victims have to go through a terrible experience again and again (you mentioned a child abuse victim in your post by name and even say that she is on Facebook! How in gods earth is that helping her? I don't believe that you or I or anybody else has the right to expose someone publicly! THAT is not right.)
villagegirl: By no means have I said that the Nicaraguans have "no intelligence" (WHERE did you read this??? You are not even reading what I am writing, but the first to throw the first stone!). I LOVE Nicaraguans and still maintain close friendship with many of them (even visiting the country AFTER leaving the cult to help out with some things that I will also not disclose here).
What I said is that their Justice system is corrupt beyond any measure! I will write another installment here (in this case with some names) where you will see that one Circuit Overseer abused over 15 children over a time span of 7-8 years, known to the authorities and going unpunished (I will tell you EXACTLY how he did it and how the Watchtower didn't do a thing either). Actually you can get away with murder by simply bribing the Police and all the way up to the Judge! You talk so freely about "international law" and "Justice systems" that simply DO NOT WORK. Period. You can all day long cite the Charter of Human rights to me and I will tell you again and again that it only exists ON PAPER. The Watchtower helds (had) tremendous power in other countries outside the US/Canada - you will never believe me what they could get away with! I have seen, with my own eyes, how Special Pioneers that left "the truth" ended up being persecuted by the Police because of simple "Watchtower Power" wielded against them.
You don't have to believe me. I am truly trying in my earnest efforts to, maybe, open your eyes to the crude truth. I don't know how long you lived in Lebanon, but maybe you know that the world is full of misery and that it affects REAL people in very REAL ways. Lawyers are something for rich people in Western countries. Sorry for popping your Bubble.
Had you contacted the authorities with what you know, they would have closed down the Bethel Branch and thrown the WT out of the country.
This statement is one example. Very sweet and naive too. Sorry, that is not how things work. Really not. They would rather jail the victims then throwing the WT out of the country! The WT had close knit political connections in the country (even becoming getting MisiĆ³n Internacional status - with diplomatic immunity - you can read that up on their Yearbook about Nicaragua. No secret.)
Outlaw and some other members of this board know a bit more and that should suffice.
Thank you all for reading and commenting. I also thank villagegirl for her energic posture, we need anyone and everyone on board and there are many ways to face the WT Society. Hopefully we can continue to join our forces and to support each other.
In Death lies Glory
by BluePill2 ini was alone at the new branch construction site in ticuantepe (nicaragua).
everybody had taken off for a weekend assembly in the capital and it was my turn to have watchman duty and guard the site.
we had dogs and i only had to walk around the perimeters and check all the gates and entrances.. suddenly a young boy appeared at the main gate, breathless and visibly nervous.
tootired2care: That is another crucial point in this discussion. People that lived with the right perspective in mind - that they will eventually die - took another approach in their Life. If you have limited time you become much more focused in solving problems or in attaining goals. Many scientists, great artists or explorers focused on their endeavour to get results within their Lifetime! (one example of this is Madame Curie who relentlessly dedicated herself to her research projects and became the only person to win the Nobel Prize in multiple sciences).
If you ever played a computer game that is very difficult and you have limited Life's you will be more focused than playing it in "God mode". JW are "playing" the game with the mindset of "unlimited time" whilst there is no "tomorrow" to do all the beautiful things you desire - the time is NOW.
Magnum: You mention absolute valid points. I still smack myself for not seeing this before. It is so crystal clear (your example with calcium) that eternal Life would need some serious physical and biological "bendings" on God, to the point where his own creation wouldn't make sense!
Once people realize that they have this certian gift of life, they may pursue their abilities and happiness much better. Instead for thousands of years people wait for some higher being to solve all their problems, while do nothing about improving their own life around.
I couldn't have said this better than you! Exactly the point. Once you shed the thought of "eternal Life" your mind shifts and your actions too! You act in a more concentrated, condensed way.
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 inbefore i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
villagegirl: May peace be with you, that is all I have to say to your words. Oh, and also the words one wise man said a long time ago (Matthew 7:3-5).
To all the others:
I might or might not write a book, because right now I don't think it would be of any value. Writing on this board, with a specific purpose in mind is another thing.
And Yes, I have been in close contact with Mr. Flipper and Andersons, both offering me support beyond what you can imagine. Barbara knows my real identity and counts with my full support for her ongoing, very valuable work in this fight against evil.
I will continue to write here, no matter what some of you might think about me as a person, or my motives, as that is also something that I have left behind: Worrying too much about what others think about me - one of the shackles in the chain that holds millions of people imprisoned in cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses!
stillin: I once read that mistakes from the past cast shadows into the present and the only way to make that shadow disappear is to cast light on it. I wish I had been "a hero" in this account and would have had the courage and strength to act in a different manner. That is not the case and I have come to terms with my past. I am trying to cast light on things that should not stay in the dark. I hope you understand that.
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 inbefore i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
Scott77:I will eventually. Started writing the other day and then it becomes stomach turning and I leave it there. Maybe you don't understand that besides the victims other people get affected by this mess as well. Maybe you do. It's as it is.
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 inbefore i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
villagegirl: I understand your rage. It made me furious too. But you are thinking like a typical American. You apply your "perfect western" system to the rest of the world. Just believe me that outside of the US there is another whole, crazy world out there that does not work like you are describing. You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking here.
Yes, I am guilty of watching and doing nothing to protect these children. I am not negating that. Yes, it's called guilt and conscience pain. I am not denying it and not feeling sorry for myself. But everything else, you have no idea. This is not some nice suburb back in Washington DC!
Lawyers, Police,....I could tell you some accounts of other people that went down that road and it never ended well, much less for the victims. There is something else that I will tell here on this board, but I need time and the right mental state to write it up.
I am not writing to entertain you, to redeem me or to save the victims (what is done is done, it can't be changed) but to warn and leave a written account of what has and IS, no doubt, happening right now! Also to keep as many people as possible away from this destructive American sect. Also to help others to get out or to become whistleblowers - they can be better man/woman than I was. Never too late. If someone at Bethel reads this - right here, right now - and believe me: THEY ARE, than they will see what it does to you if you see such things and DO NOTHING!
You will never forgive yourself. Never. I can't forgive myself.
I am on the edge of a freak out ..... I think???
by DATA-DOG inso the rc really sucked, but i made it through.
the propaganda was mind blowing.
i don't know if the crap will be available on the official website or not, but hopefully it gets leaked somehow.
HAD to post again, Yadda Yadda 2 this was Golden! Perfect definition for the Watchtower creep cult:
Don't let this brainwashing, doomsday, money-grabbing and soul-sapping vampire cult get you down
I am on the edge of a freak out ..... I think???
by DATA-DOG inso the rc really sucked, but i made it through.
the propaganda was mind blowing.
i don't know if the crap will be available on the official website or not, but hopefully it gets leaked somehow.
DATA-DOG: I always enjoy your postings here (you had many funny and clear crisp comments, so you are NOT insane). You remind me of myself. I was still at Bethel and screamed at god (saying the same thing - KILL ME NOW!) and also screamed at Satan. Neither one of them appeared or did anything. I also went throught the "wanting to blow my head off" - more than once.
Here is the point:
- Don't do anything stupid! You will be around looooong after leaving the WT (you will, believe me, you will). Your daughter needs you one day to tell it how it really was (like mine. I haven't seen my daughter for 3 years now, it is extremely hard and I wake up many times in tears and sweating, BUT it is bearable). Humans adapt to a lot of shit!
- Myself: avoided meds at all costs. It will cloud my mind and make me dependent. I enjoyed a lot to get a better grip on my mind. This website helped a lot (if you think something is "psycho-mumbo" or "spiritual-crap" than discard it - that is the beauty of being mentally out and starting to think critically): http://www.calmdownmind.com/
In a nutshell: Don't try to control your thoughts ("What you resist, will persist") - let them free flow and become an observer of your own mind (the anxiety levels really, really went down! Unbelievable, I never experienced these levels of mental peace as a JW), in due time you will experience a more balanced and very clear, focused mind. Very powerful stuff.
Big hug old friend. Hang in there. Stay tuned with us. We all have gone more or less through the same, you are normal and will get back to normal. Being in the cult drives us crazy (yes, conventions are the worst time of the year)
Being a JW Used to Be Fun :-)
by snowbird inwe found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
I grew up in Germany as a born-in and this was never fun. Especially for a kid.
Many of you have fond memories of past times (yes, the cult now sucks even more!) because you where young and had a sense of accomplishment (even if it was based on fake "facts") also many of you obviously had the good luck to be in congregations where the individual people themselves where fun or more on the human side. THAT made it nice, not the structure.
Also what I considered "fun" back then was only a way of coping with the fact of being in a cult. As a teen I had a blast knocking on so many doors and trying to get in (I am suuuuper curious) and try to find out as much as possible about the household. I visited and sat in the living room of: Hitlers Piano player (I studied with this old chap, he even wrote a Kingdom Song for us, died without ever becoming a JW), a fashion model (that used to appear a lot on German TV - man the pictures in her fantastic, luxurious apartment made me horny for hours after the study), a crazy Neo-Nazi (he did study with me and had all the parafernalia in his room - he said that he liked JW religion because it resembles a lot the Nazi ideology - pure race ideas, the perfect society and he often mentioned the way we keep woman "on the line" - he was a creepy asshole, but I was a pioneer and needed the hours!)
I could remember many more "interesting" persons here. One thing that I am actually thankful for is that it moved me to go to Central America and that lead to many very adventurous things that I would never have seen otherwise. Although this is relative as many of these things had nothing to do with WT (going scuba diving in the caribbean sea was one of the most marvelous things I did in my Life, also going up to an erupting volcano).
I started lying from a very young age. I participated at Christmas parties at school, lying to my mother, stayed at home not to go to meetings - lying to my family (playing sick), had to "evade" being catched....for YEARS. Still today my girlfriend says that I have a "persecution complex" and have an uncanny ability to lie, just purely lie to people without becoming red faced. I feel ashamed for that and I also despise the twisted and fucked up mind that the WT created. It will take me many more years to get rid of their influence (if it is possible at all).
NOPE. What we considered fun is exactly the same "kind of fun" these folks are experiencing (and kidding themselves):
"YEEAAAAAAAHHHHH, we are soooooooooo happy - being a North Korean is the Best that happened to us!!!!!!!"