MadGiant: Absolutely correct. I have always thought that - even if we became "perfect" again in the "new system" - our body is far from being admirable. Sleep? Why sleep? There is nothing useful and pleasant about sleep. Your body goes full limb, useless and your brain shuts down and becomes unconscious. I know, creationists will now come beating me explaining that during sleep this and that happens, blah blah blah...I know that, but there could be a far better way to accomplish all those things.
The same with shiting and peeing. I hate these two. Really, really stupid activities. Why couldn't we have a full recycling system, where everything is used up without creating such a mess and source for diseases.
We also share this waste system with E V E R Y single animal out there. That alone shows that we where not created. We are part of the animal world!