The King of the North is getting Angry...

by rhodesboy 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rhodesboy

    This topic is of a theological nature. If you have some scriptural insight, please share. Grievances are not welcome!

    Here are some of my musings on the meaning of 'the time of the end'...

    The phrase ‘’the time of the end’’ is used several times in the book of Daniel when describing the revelation of prophecy to Christians (Dan 8:17, 19; 12:4, 9). The Kings mentioned in Daniel can be identified with Russia and her allies (King of the North) as well as the Anglo American world power (King of the South). After a thorough analysis, it is clear to this researcher that this phrase is not a general reference to the Last Days, rather it is in fact a description of a post, Cold war period of time spanning several decades that concludes with the start of the Great Tribulation. The key to this interpretation lies in verse 35:

    35 And some

    of those having insight will be

    made to stumble, in order to do

    a refining work because of them

    and to do a cleansing and a whitening

    until the time of the end;

    because it is yet for the time appointed.

    Whilst verses 32 to 35 gives a general description of the persecution of god’s people throughout the entire duration of the Cold war, verse 35 reveals this persecution will end with the fall of the Soviet Union circa 1991 – ‘’ the time of the end’’. Clearly I differ with the Governing body’s interpretation but given their recent revisions of aspects of Daniel’s prophecy, I am confident this is plausible.

    Verses 36 through 39 detail the military and political ambitions of the King of the North during the cold war and are not the focus of this interpretation. I believe that verses 40 through 43 are not describing the third aspect of the cold war – namely the rivalry between the two Kings during this time - as promoted by the Governing Body. Rather the accurate interpretation of the phrase ‘’in the time of the End’’ is the key to understanding these versus as a future event – the last global war.

    40“In the time of the end

    the king of the south will engage

    with him in a pushing,

    and against him the king of

    the north will storm with chariots

    and horsemen and many

    ships; and he will enter into

    the lands and sweep through

    like a flood.

    I believe Russia and her allies – foremost of whom is China – will wage war with the West. The theatres of war will likely be, but not limited to, the Middle East and Europe. Russia and her allies could invade the Middle East to protect their strategic interests. A possible ‘’pushing’’ would be the current policy of the West to isolate Russia economically – kicking her out of the G8 and imposing sanctions as punishment for her interference with Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty. However, economic sanctions against Russia have the potential to boomerang, damaging the global economy, which is why at this point in time they have been somewhat muted and ineffectual. If Russia feels her economic interests are threatened, she may retaliate by halting energy exports to the EU, which could be disastrous financially for all parties concerned. Escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine stoked by Western interference could provoke a Russian invasion of Eastern Europe. The possibility exists that EU countries, namely Italy, Germany and France could be attacked and invaded if Russia saw fit to occupy the EU as a means of redefining the geopolitical landscape in her favour.

    Initially I felt the commencement of hostilities between these Kings would be 2014. This is in line with what some analysts have suggested (Western and Russian) as being probable given the current tensions between Russia, the European Union and the United States of America. The rumour mill (internet) speculates October 1914 will be of some significance. Based on the current relocation plans of the Governing Body to move to Warwick and seeing that construction of their new World Headquarters will probably be complete circa 2017 – I anticipate Armageddon won’t happen before then. In my opinion, it’s possible that global war will break out in 2017 or shortly thereafter but maybe it starts this year (2014) and is a protracted affair lasting several years. A protracted war with its inevitable disruption to international trade could see the vast, interconnected global economy regress from weak recovery to a depression not seen since the 1930’s.

    41 He will also enter

    into the land of the Decoration,

    and many lands will be

    made to stumble. But these

    are the ones that will escape

    out of his hand: E′dom and Mo′-

    ab and the main part of the Am′-


    The ‘’land of Decoration’’ referenced in verse 41 likely describes the spiritual estate of Christians, however it could literally refer to an invasion of Israel by Russia and her allies which would be in the context of a broader middle east conflict. In the context of the cold war these words would read like a summary of verses 32 through 35, consequently breaking with the continuity of the narrative of chapter 11. However it makes more sense to interpret this as a future assault on Christians in occupied territory. I feel it is unwise to speculate on who Edom, Moab and the Ammonites are – ancient kingdoms spread out between the Kings of the North and South respectively. However, it is possible these foreshadow modern day European countries that escape the reach of the invading Russian forces (Spain or Northern Europe) or in a Middle East context, allies of the United States such as Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

    42 And he will keep

    thrusting out his hand against

    the lands; and as regards the

    land of Egypt, she will not escape.

    43 And he will rule over

    the hidden treasures of gold and

    silver and over all the desirable

    things of Egypt. And the Lib′yans

    and the Ethio′pians will be

    at his steps.

    Verse 42 and 43 describe the land of Egypt, which likely refers to the King of the South’s modern incarnation – the Anglo - American world power – an association alluded to in the book of Daniel. China is now economically aligned with Russia by virtue of her insatiable thirst for affordable gas and oil - a thirst Russia is happy to quench. China owns a good measure of the USA’s debt and if she were in collusion with Russia to drop the US Dollar as a reserve currency this could do irreparable damage to the world’s largest economy. Granted the risks of such a venture may prove to be prohibitively dangerous to China’s own financial well being. Notwithstanding this notion, perhaps this is the best interpretation of how he (North) will ‘rule’ over her (South) treasures. However, what can be made of ‘’Ethiopia’’ and ‘’Libya’’?

    These countries are literally neighbours of Egypt. The contemporary Southern King in the form of the Anglo – American World power is in a neighbourly relationship with China – its largest trading partner. Possibly China will be at the Northern King’s ‘’steps’’ in that they share a communist history and are now economically aligned with each other. This alliance could prove to be the leverage Russia needs to stop the United States from intervening militarily when she invades the Middle East or possibly the European Union.

    1 Thessalonians 5:

    3 Whenever it is that

    they are saying, “Peace and security!”

    then sudden destruction

    is to be instantly on them,

    just like birth pains on a pregnant

    woman, and they will by

    no means escape.

    The war will be resolved peacefully through the forum provided by the United Nations. Russian aggression against the Anglo - American world power’s strategic interests will not, in my opinion, result in a thermonuclear war. If a Russian invasion of the Middle East or Europe occurs, this could precipitate a conventional armed conflict with the possibility of some limited exchange of nuclear weapons. I am not suggesting that the United States mainland will be effected in any way, other than through the economic upheaval that will result from such a global conflagration. This is in harmony with Daniel 8:25 which stipulates that the King of the South will be ‘’broken’’ by supernatural means – not at the hands of his rival. However the threat of mutually assured destruction, the likes of which the world has not seen since the Cold war, will threaten the security of everyone and will precipitate a peaceful resolution. The United Nations charter will need to be amended to facilitate this settlement between all belligerent parties. This declaration of peace comes at a heavy price!

    44“But reports out of the

    East and out of the north will

    disturb him, and he will go out

    in a great rage to annihilate and

    to devote many to destruction.

    I concur with the Governing Body in their interpretation regarding verses 44 and 45. The ‘’reports’’ are likely the incentive to liquidate worldwide organised religion (Babylon the Great). Her capital and assets will be confiscated by the scarlet coloured wild beast described in Revelations - identified as the United Nations. The United Nations according to Revelations 17: 16, 17 will ‘’ hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished.’’ To stave off an impending collapse of the global banking system the United Nations will use the capital and priceless assets – in the form of temples, sculptures, art and land – to shore up the world financial system. The ‘’many’’ that are destroyed, probably is describing the annihilation of this global religious system.

    45And he will plant his royal

    tents between the grand sea

    and the holy mountain of Decoration;

    and he will come all the

    way to his end, and there will be

    no helper for him.

    Apparently, after Babylon the Great has been destroyed, the King of the North will assault true Christians under his domain by planting his ‘’royal’’ tent in their spiritual estate in the form of persecution. This will prove to be an unwise provocation on his part - he will unceremoniously meet his ‘’end’’ at the commencement of Armageddon.

    In conclusion, my new light sketches out a sequence of events that start with a Third World war and end with Armageddon. The Kings in the book of Daniel are not obliterated in a nuclear holocaust; rather they peacefully resolve this conflict through the medium of the United Nations. This worldwide declaration of peace immediately precedes the demise of organized religion as a means to save the global financial system from imminent collapse.

    Your constructive criticism is welcome. Again if you don't believe in the theology don't waste my time.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds


  • galaxie

    There is always hope in speculation.

    You have

  • galaxie

    Oops!! You have obviously given this subject a lot of your time.

    Is there anyone who agrees with you?

    Best wishes.

  • sir82

    Again if you don't believe in the theology don't waste my time.

    Yes, clearly your time is precious, what with you being the only human on the earth with the direct hotline into God's plans & all.

    So, when exactly will all this happen?

    Wait - don't tell me - you also agree with the governing body on that one, too - "Soon!"

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I have a grievance about the theological nature of this topic.

  • Heaven

    I have a grievance about grievances not being welcome.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    To the Bethel Writing Dept. dupe who wrote this:

    Does WT know you are posting on JWN during your "workday"? I see you've utilized many get-out-of-jail-free-when-my-predictions-fail words WT employs often:

    my musings

    I believe

    will likely be


    have the potential



    The possibility exists

    Initially I felt

    some analysts


    The rumour mill (internet) speculates

    I anticipate

    In my opinion

    it’s possible

    likely describes


    I feel it is unwise to speculate...However, it is possible

    perhaps this is the best interpretation



    In conclusion, my new light

    And, the funniest line in your entire fiction is....

    "I concur with the Governing Body"


    Do you "concur" with the GB because they've been correct so often in the past?

    There's one born every minute....

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I welcome unwelcome grievances about theological topics. Again if you don't believe in welcoming unwelcome theological grievances don't waste my time.

  • jw07


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