Is that only for the US or worldwide? Wondering how they would transmit this through different time zones.
JoinedPosts by BluePill2
Due to Oct 5th WT Biz Meet all meetings for that week are cancelled
by illoowy ini was informed that due to oct 5th wt biz meet all meetings for that week are cancelled,.
i asked if the mid week meeting was also and was told yes, because of the assembly.. it seems there's an overload of theocratic alternative banqueting feasts available so.
that the regular menu at the kh is not necessary for that week.
Second chapter of "Armageddon's Prisoners"is up on my blog
by JeffT inhope you enjoy it..
I hope you have fun writing this story. Personally I think it is also a good therapy (not that you need one) to put things mentally in order. It gives you another perspective, creates an interesting distance. The structure would be the same for any other sect, just the wordings would change. Actually, you can see that they all use the same blueprint. Keep writing, I'll wait for the next installment, see if there will be more than a bloody nose.
Second chapter of "Armageddon's Prisoners"is up on my blog
by JeffT inhope you enjoy it..
I just read the two initial chapters of your story. Good writing! What I find interesting is how substituting the terms that we all know too well ("Kingdom Hall" with "Gathering House"; "Judicial Committee" with "Review Committee") makes you look at the Borg as an outsider and shows how strange everything is.
Some of us have been indoctrinated from early age and "brother", "Governing Body" sounds natural and normal, while it is the special terminology of a sect.
Good work. Keep writing. You have at least one reader!
F****** with Missionary Couple - they want me to call back!
by BluePill2 inhow often have witnesses knocked on your door since you left the borg?
how often did they talk to you during street witnessing?
in the past 4 years i have never been visited (live in a new area where nobody knows about my witness past, urban area, highly densed witness communities around).. this week i almost had to force them to preach.
I like your last sentence. The earlier the merrier.
Somehow I felt sorry for them. Here they are doing the same I did a couple of years ago, maybe full of doubts, maybe believing it all and I know it's so wrong and that there is another Life out there. I hated to see them wasting their time. At least i burned enough time that they could have used on someone else.
Do you detect an underlying sadness ?
by Phizzy inwhenever i talk to jw's, and even in some of the jw official videos, i detect a definite vibe of sadness coming off these people.. i am very sensitive to "atmospheres" and to peoples emotional state, you wouldn't think so, because more often than not i do not react to what i detect, i just let people get on with it.. but i do get this feeling that they are sad, probably because very, very, very deep down they realise that it is all false, maybe ?.
snare&racket: fantastic words my friend. Yes it is liberating and refreshing to look back and see that flying is scary and at the same time exhilarating! Thank you for your write up.
On another point: is that texting thing you wrote serious or is it some joke? That sounds awful if it really appeared in writing.
I think they are sad these days, see my thread about the "missionary couple" that preached to me this week.
F****** with Missionary Couple - they want me to call back!
by BluePill2 inhow often have witnesses knocked on your door since you left the borg?
how often did they talk to you during street witnessing?
in the past 4 years i have never been visited (live in a new area where nobody knows about my witness past, urban area, highly densed witness communities around).. this week i almost had to force them to preach.
How often have Witnesses knocked on your door since you left the Borg? How often did they talk to you during street witnessing? Anything? In the past 4 years I have never been visited (live in a new area where nobody knows about my witness past, urban area, highly densed witness communities around).
This week I almost had to force them to preach. I was sitting outside, waiting for someone. They where sitting right next to me and taking notes about return visits. I look over and smile. See that they have tracts and brochures in their hands and try to look curiously. Nothing. They just sit there and do the small talk. After a while I approach them and ask: "Excuse me, now I have to ask, what language are you two talking? I can't recognize it" (This is a capital city in Europe and we have hundreds of foreigners living here - mostly immigrants and students). They said it was Danish. Both seemed pretty uninterested to preach.
God dammit, I have some spare time and WAN'T them to start preaching. I want some fun...
I will spare you the details and share the most interesting parts of this weird conversation. I am not making this up and will not embellish this in any way, but after they finished preaching to me I thought that if that is the Best they have these days, than they can pack up, their done, finished. I am talking here about people that came all the way to my country and are supposed to be better than the run of the mill witness.
I used a lot of joking names like: "the magical sky dude", "the hairy guy in the sky" - the girl giggled a couple of times, her husband looked grimmly at her and his look could kill. He interrupted her a couple of times and treated her like some dumb, stupid girl.
He seriously told me: "It is very easy to participate in our group." I asked: "So, what are the requirements to be one of you?" He laughed and said: "oh, nothing complicated, basically you have to avoid getting drunk and taking drugs."
I told him: "But, look around you (we where midst of a busy shopping street) the mayority of these folks here follow those rules and are not in your religious group." No answer.
At the Beginning they said that they where here doing "some special work". I asked them what it was and they asked if I had ever heard about Jehovahs Witnesses. I said: "No. What is it?" Seriously, he answers: "it is something like a Christian group, only different"
I almost choked. What? So describe it. He says: "It is a bit complicated and we wouldn't have time to explain it all to you" I said that I had plenty of time and that they have my full attention, because I am curious. They started stuttering around and looking at each other and the best idea was to whip the Bible out and say that they had a Bible verse they would like to read to me and ask me what I think (Matthew 24:3-7).
And THIS after I told them clearly that I am an Atheist and don't think the Bible is a holy Book. I also told them that they must like the Catholics a lot. They asked me why and I answered that they are carrying a book around and using a name for god that was pretty much established and decided by them. Blank looks.
They also didn't knew what the Council of Nicaea was and said they have to look it up (face palm).
At the end they wanted to finish this conversation as fast as they could and gave me a tract adding the words: "We know this is not deep stuff, as you seem to be a person that likes to think, but nonetheless you will like it" He scribled the Borgs new website address on the back (said the other url wasn't up to date) and also his phone number. Asked me to call them if I have interest. Never asked for my name, my address or anything else. He mentioned a couple of times that they are not a religion and that they don't have an organization, that the Witnesses just follow purely the Bible.
During the whole conversation I maintained a relaxed and funny spirit and was never confrontational. This was an eye opener. I don't think they where Gilead missionaries as their general knowledge was in the hole - they just presented themselves as missionaries, no doubt becasue that sounds better than "Something Pioneer" which is not understandable.
Conclusion: pretty lousy preachers these days. The glorious days of quick Bible thumbers and razor sharp arguments are long gone. Sad days ahead.
2014 Event
by enigma1863 ini know its a year away but i wanted to inquire about the hundred year anniversary of 1914. it would be amazing to have a world wide event reguarding all exjws.
i am nowhere near capable of putting this together but i'd like to propose the largest assembly of exjws ever on october 1st 2014. can it be done?
am i the first to bring this up?
Hahahahah, DATA-DOG, that was very funny. Loved it. Made my day!
Now it's the Annual Meeting!
by stillin inas if circuit assemblies, district conventions, meetings, watchtower studies, special assembly days and bible studies weren't enough, now it's this!
aaa argh!.
I love you Outlaw! You know that, don't you?
Sometimes I open a thread and scroll down to search for your "branding". This here made me laugh. Keep your good humour my friend.
Ambient Abuse - This is one area that the Jehovah's Witness Are So Very Damaging To The Psyche.
by Narcissistic Supply injehovah's witness work so very hard to deny your reality.
thus you have nothing to base anything on.
no truth to base what is, in fact, truth.
I have been going through emotional pain/hell during the last couple of weeks. As time passes and I distance more and more from the JW past, the more comes to the surface.
I have sworn that one day I will make them pay. Revenge is best served as a cold dish.
Forum updates, issues and performance
by Simon infirst of all, thank you all for your patience while i made a few tweaks to the site.. i ended up actually going down a bit of a rabbit hole of updating one thing which required another thing be updated first and so on ... before i knew it i'd updated the framework platform and most of the sub-components used and then got carried away trying to do some optimizations as well.
all worthwhile though and a little overdue.. anyway, i broke a few thing along the way but i also fixed a few things too ... erm, unfortunately they didn't always quite match up so there are still a few things outstanding that i need to fix and am working on.. but, i'm hoping that dispite the short-term pain the site should now load and run just a little bit faster for you.
well, that's the intention - i'd be interested to hear how you find it.
Simon, I just wanted to thank you for every minute that you poured into this site/board. You are a savior to many lost souls and I hope to be able to thank you one day more thoroughly. The best wishes to you and your family.