Maybe they heard that 50 shades of gray was really popular now so they wanted to get in on that.
Stealth: The Bible isn't far away from 50 Shades of gray...
if i was on the committee to choose colors, i will definitely turn down that really ugly color!.
Maybe they heard that 50 shades of gray was really popular now so they wanted to get in on that.
Stealth: The Bible isn't far away from 50 Shades of gray...
if i was on the committee to choose colors, i will definitely turn down that really ugly color!.
Since they are going from cheap to cheapest. Ladies and Gentleman, I present you
The New New World Translation - in the year 2028:
"Yes Brothers, Jehobers organization is progressing. We now only use the virtual version of the Bible, got to go with the times and all sister-proof" Audience: Hard clapping and laughter.
"Our graphic design department worked in pijamas for 72 hours straight to get this beautiful Bible ready and downloadable to your iPad. Don't forget to update your tablet. Visit our store at JW.ORG for a great selection of Jesus-approved Tablets and Smartphones."
just saw this posted on jwtalk.
it's the cover of the jan awake in german.. the website we should remember!.
Hahahahaha. Man, that surely looks cheesy and cultish or more like some Kindergarden-Corporation. Who writes like that for a magazine?
Geez, these guys are really getting worse by the day...
the pain of all the lies i am learning about the truth is making me think of moving to a nation where legal euthenesia is allowed.
i take my medicine on a daily basis but it's not working, only so much medication will remove all the decades of guilt, lies being told and human intellect we suffocated by teaching the cult's methods of killing ideas.
i don't deserve anything, lord jesus christ i repent of all my lies and will try to be a better person.
AuntConnie if you had received a Dollar for every "fact" that they told you "is the absolute truth", then, by now you would be sitting in the Bahamas sipping on drinks with little umbrellas.
I was told so many lies that I am tired to think about it. All these hours wasted in explained who the King of the North was to my Bible students. Countless hours spent explaining that we didn't have a group of men as leaders, that it was all a big group of saints, some already in heaven. I became a liar - we all became unvoluntarily liars!
looks like the forum went down (right after i went to bed, doh!)..
i really should get some monitoring setup but it's been pretty rock solid for ages so i've never bothered.. must be something todo with all the tinkering i've been doing and the background job i started running yesterday.. anyway, sorry for anyone who's been trying to access the site..
Yep. Thank you Simon! Good job
My paranoia made me think the WT had something to do with this.
i am not sure how you all feel as we all left at different times for different reasons.... but this new bible seems to have put some final nails into a coffin that was once my jw life.
the religion is so far and so different to the religion i grew up in that it has become something i feel no affiliation with anymore, no bond, no shared ideas or even sentimental views.
different teachings on when the end is coming.
snare&racket this was fantastic writing and heart felt! I chime in with your sentiment. I grew up in the religion, I missed some of the coolest stuff in the 80's because of this religion. Instead of going to my friends parties, hearing Michael Jackson, wearing funny sweatshirts, I had to go out in polyester suits (as a 12 year old) and stupid leather ties and peddle magazines that weren't even in full color yet. Accompanied by some old dude that wasn't right in his head, but claimed to belong to a "special class". We had to look up to him, even though that in my mind he was some old, confused dude.
Strange if I think back. But you are right, the "feel and mood" of the 80's - 90's was completely different (still nuts & dumb) but it has evolved to something colder and its as if the real face is coming out more and more. I feel sorry for my mother as she is still a hardcore "70's" witness - old school "Franz-scholar"-witness - hell she still clings to some of the old old lights (before some of the new old lights) and refuses to learn the new lights (or doesn't really understands that the light bulb was switched, I don't know what is going on in her mind), she must feel confused and alienated from her own and unique support group at old age. What a bitter disappointment! Or my sister that is still regular pioneering despite the financial hardships that they are experiencing, and after 15 years of regular pioneer service she missed for the first time her yearly goal (our father is sick, she had a child, they have financial problems) and the only thing she got was a meeting with 2 elders telling her that she must probably leave the ranks for pioneers because of that. She cried and cried for days. The CO intervened and they gave her "a second chance".
And yet, they refuse to talk to me and consider me the "black sheep" of the family. All so sad. I wish the GB burning, blistering wounds in their assholes!
some of this will not be new to those of you who read other people's notes, but i bet there are a few new bits for you here, so i've provided a user-friendly table of contents, as an homage to the contents that appear before each book of the bible in the new nwt.
i might remember more highlights later, as i'm rather tired right now, but this is what i can recall off the top of my head.. contents (use of quote marks in this section is facetious; these are not actual quotes).
"say, did you notice that 2014 is the 100th anniversary, people?".
Keep walking. Nothing to see here. Nothing happened.
Good. Let's continue to chip away until the tower crumbles & crashes.
lol, just received this email:.
you of weak minds that have chosen to leave the truth!
Best Satan EVER - Liz Hurley in "Bedazzled" - I wish she existed like that
latest news from a source (missionary in foreign land):.
no more missionary homes anywhere in the world.. all missionaries presently in missionary homes must vacate.
must get housing on your own / from the locals.. circuit and district overseers have moved into many of these former missionary homes.. reasons: liability, cost savings, real estate to be sold or used for other purposes.. needless to say, many of these longtime servants are very unsettled.
If true, this is big! Many missionaries will leave the countries because of some "sudden legitimate problem" at home. Mark my words. The missionaries I have met in developing countries had the tendency to be either a) cold hearted assholes or b) having severe mental issues. But all had this in common: they liked to live in pampered homes, in all Central American countries they had air conditioning, internet and cable tv, big fridges and some even power generators (the locals have problems with: burglary, unstable electricity and had to go without water for days). I remember working at one of the branches and missionaries bitching about not having enough water pressure in the shower and the warm water wasn't coming out nice. We are talking about countries where people have to live on 1-5 US$/day! Good luck moving in with the locals: Your new "beach front missionary home". Nope. Not gonna happen. A few "hard core" will stay (sacrificing themselves) but they are losing one of the last strong holds in some countries. This, in combination with the closing of branches is like a retreat and giving up. Don't forget that in Latin America there are other very strong evangelical religions that have way more power than the Watchtower. The local witnesses in some of these countries would hang on to the foreigners, the branch, the missionaries for guidance. The branches would help out to get visas for need greaters, etc. With all this gone the locals will have nowhere to go and the Org will, no doubt, shrink in most developing countries. The GB is a despicable bunch of lying bastards! They are abandoning the sheep and leaving them on their own. First they stripped them of all possibilities to acquire real world skills to survive, under the lie that they are not necessary, the MOTHER would take care of them and the next moment they kick everybody to the curb.
wt publications (old).
feeding many.
was the channel that christ used for spiritual.
Let me recap:
"invisible Jesus" check
"invisible evil slave" check
"invisible help from J'" check
Conclusion: then people should start to donate invisible money too!