My mother takes multiple anti-depressants - for years now. She even gets them without prescription (from my grandmother's supply). She is very faithful and has been a witness for over 40 years. I never knew her differently, always on meds and on an emotional rollercoaster.
During my time at Bethel I had to go to meet a doctor in an official visit (we where making arrangements to get some Doctors under "contract" to treat Bethelites at a better rate or for free - paid by the Society for elder ones). She was from Switzerland and was one of the "favorite" Doctors on the Bethelites list.
After having a pleasant chit chat, she asked me Why is it that your religion has so many depressed people? I asked her: "What do you mean?" thinking that she was just about to bash our faith. She said that in the past months she had treated an extremely high number of Witnesses with mental depression and suicidal problems and that she was worried. Especially because many of them didn't wanted anybody to know about their problem. She wanted to know more in order to be able to help better. I was flabbergasted and had no words to answer. She was a very nice Lady that really took care of her patients. We closed the contract with her and I kept this conversation to myself. Never commented that back at Bethel.
Nowadays I know she was right. Looking back at all the Judicial Committees, I think that most people were mentally unstable and victimized by the WT$.