After all: Jehovah loves APPLE Corp!
it has been a while since i've seen a witness, either in person or virtually.
searching for someone on facebook took me to the profile of a ministerial servant that i know.
i scrolled through his wall to see who is still around and found this gem:.
After all: Jehovah loves APPLE Corp!
it has been a while since i've seen a witness, either in person or virtually.
searching for someone on facebook took me to the profile of a ministerial servant that i know.
i scrolled through his wall to see who is still around and found this gem:.
Terry: 100% on the money with your remarks . The irony: they are witnesses and are mad at the witnesses who witnessed the downfall of this heaping mountain of BS. We all can see and feel the cold, emptiness that comes from this Org. I truly feel sorry for people like my mother who liked the Org because of the impression they gave her that this was a serious religious group, going all "Bible scholars" on her (she has a deep respect & love for the Bible).
Nowadays she doesn't speak to me, lives alone, far away from the next Kingdumb Hell and in 5 years never had ONE shepperding visit from the sanctimonious pack of scammers called elders. She has to see how her beloved Org became a Marketing Corporation with Disney-like movies for kids and dumbed down brochures. SAD. Very sad.
I went yesterday to a big department store (electronics, books, etc.) and saw a group of witnesses buying up iPad covers (they all had an iPad). I over heard them saying how expensive all this stuff is, but one of the BOSS-Sisters said that it is all worth it since they are using the tablets in field circus and what not.
Some of them looked really poor to me and it seemed that she was helping them with "shopping duties for the Kungdom" > helping Apples revenue.
My take on this.
Smart, educated people will go online and check things out, especially before committing to something as Life changing as selling your soul!
Online studies have shown that people decide more and more about things like traveling or buying a product by reading online reviews. There was one case study where negative online comments about a 5 Star Hotel impacted sales and lead to a drop of over 30% in revenue. Nowadays Hotels are very aware of the power that the online community has.
Heck, if people need other peoples opinion to buy a simple phone or to book their next trip or even to visit a restaurant, then it is safe to assume that internet savvy people will check out a religious organization that just knocked on their door asking to donate their entire Life to them!
The more, eh....[cough, cough]...."uneducated" type of person will swallow a dirty, wet toad if you tell them in a convincing way that a mysterious voice talks to you every night!
Recently there was a case in the news about a lady that gave all her Life savings (167.000 Euros) to a healer, because, well, probably because she was desperate. She was even high school educated and had her own business. People will do all kind of stupid things if they are desperate enough and someone else is convincing enough and willing to abuse the situation. THIS is where the **.BORG excels at! They are masters in the abuse of emotionally unstable and desperate people. It's like shooting fish in a barrel!
In this cases it doesn't matter what comes up in Google.
1.5 months ago there was a perfectly timed reddit topic about jw false prophecies that made it on to the front page of reddit.
this certainly didn't bold so well fortheir historic campaign.
the front-page of reddit had over 135 million unique visitors last month.
Thats all fantastic, there are so many ways for ones to find out that the JW are a crazy cult it amazes me that some still join.
People even join the crazy ISIS group knowing that they will end up with a bullet in the desert sand! 16 year old Europeans joining voluntarily. I know, humans are crazy.
Reddit is great. There is a TV interview making the rounds (Latin America) where 2 **.BORG dudes are being interviewed. They made asses of themselves and the witnesses are sharing this with comments like "what a fabulous witness" WTF? They are being EXPOSED! He asked them a question (mockingly with some dose of sarcasm) and they couldn't answer.
it has been a while since i've seen a witness, either in person or virtually.
searching for someone on facebook took me to the profile of a ministerial servant that i know.
i scrolled through his wall to see who is still around and found this gem:.
I was thinking about what you wrote WTWizard and it really smacked me on the head. The symbols you mentioned all have deep meanings, historical and cultural values attached to them and - eventhough I am not religious anymore - I can understand how people get emotionally attached to them. There is the mystic and strong symbolism. Definitely.
Since I left the Borg I started to have a greater interest in Church buildings, from the perspective of history, archaeology and architecture. I have visited almost all major cathedrals in my home country and all the famous ones in Rome, Venice and Florence and I must say that you enter a church and there is definitely "something" that impresses you. The vibrant colors on the windows, the golden altars, the cold, musky air and the smell of burnt candles. Very interesting. The Catholic faith moved people to build impressive buildings and paint and to carve statues.
I ask myself: What is the legacy that the Watchtower is leaving? Would people visit one of their buildings 500 years from now?
Even the Watchtower as a symbol had more meaning. At least old Russell took it from the Bible and spun a story around it. I can imagine that it attracted people because of the mysticism.
The JW.BORG symbols is EXACTLY what the modern day organization deserves and represents: cold, corporative, marketing and cash making machine! A sign that truly resembles what the Borg is all about. In that sense it was perfectly chosen.
it has been a while since i've seen a witness, either in person or virtually.
searching for someone on facebook took me to the profile of a ministerial servant that i know.
i scrolled through his wall to see who is still around and found this gem:.
Wow! Thank you to all the insiders for the info. So this IS actually a thing.
Vidiot: That was so spot on! Incredible that no one at Borg World noticed what you just said. Such a simple statement and so applicable to the WT$.
There are probably some "Brothers" filling their pockets with a whole line of merchandise for the gullible older folks that don't know how to create religious marketing materials!
JW.BORG: The Boardgame
JW.BORG: The Toilet Brush
it has been a while since i've seen a witness, either in person or virtually.
searching for someone on facebook took me to the profile of a ministerial servant that i know.
i scrolled through his wall to see who is still around and found this gem:.
Basically they took the mask off and are becoming the greatest Watchtower Merchandising Machine the World has ever seen. Milking this until there is no Dollar to be milked off the members.
Even the Catholic cross is more dignifying. At least it has some symbolism to this blue Domain name brand.
Anybody knows if stickers are OK with the leadership? Or are only "Witnesses gone rough" doing this? I am confused. I checked a few more profiles and there are certainly some hard-hard core elders from my time that are doing it as well (.BORG symbols in all kinds and shapes).
One had a picture of a f***** handkerchief (who uses cotton handkerchiefs?) with the **.ORG symbol stitched to it.
Will he take his handkerchief out and let it fall to the ground, like some Victorian-times lady to pick it up discreetly, throw a smile at a passersby and hope they saw the domain name????? WHAT is the game plan here?
would that change your view on the account???
plausible.. .
Yeah, after leaving the White House he missed the BS and joined the Borg, under the promise that Paradise was a giant Garden, basically a Golf course with a 96 hole parkour. That mesmerized him. He divorced Mochelle and married a lovely Pioneer sister to be his caddy for eternity.
it has been a while since i've seen a witness, either in person or virtually.
searching for someone on facebook took me to the profile of a ministerial servant that i know.
i scrolled through his wall to see who is still around and found this gem:.
It has been a while since I've seen a Witness, either in person or virtually. Searching for someone on Facebook took me to the Profile of a Ministerial Servant that I know. I scrolled through his wall to see who is still around and found this gem:
Obviously Ministerial Servant is promoting some kind of Multi-level pyramid scheme and uses the country flag. Ministerial Servant # 2 hits him hard with this comment: "[Name] if you are a Jehovah's Witness you know that he doesn't like idols OK."
So, I checked this fella out and to my surprise HIS wall is full of this:
WTH??? I clicked on other profiles and more and more Witnesses are going full retard on the JW.BORG thing. Did I miss something? I haven't been around for a while, but tell me this is not official (I spare you the other monstrosities as my eyes started bleeding).
Let's summarize: One idiot, that worships symbols and is an active member of a pyramid scheme religion, scolding another idiot for idolatry, that is an active member of two pyramid schemes (one religious the other financial).
Have you seen more of this? If you have examples, please post them here. JW world going nuts!!!! I KNEW IT! Never thought I would live to see this day.
from an email i received of a conversation had with people from patterson:.
it seems that the wts legal dept.
has been working with the fb [facebook] legal dept for about a year and also with youtube whoever they are, to enforce transparency.
Good luck Watchtower.
To celebrate your ineptitude, here is one more, new Video about the Deaf Masturbator:
The meme continues to live and live well!