JoinedPosts by sieborg
Resolutions at Kingdom Hall
by sieborg inanyhow i got to thinking today about my days in the borg and the resolutions that would intermittently be made in the announcements for co visit expenses, sending a donation to society www fund etc.
my point is that while i was in (almost thirty two years) i never once saw anyone put up their hand to vote against a resolution that the body of elders proposed.
on a couple of occasions i heard a few hushed murmurs but i never saw one person vote against.
Anyhow I got to thinking today about my days in the BORG and the resolutions that would intermittently be made in the announcements for CO visit expenses, sending a donation to society WWW fund etc. My point is that while I was in (almost thirty two years) I never once saw anyone put up their hand to vote against a resolution that the body of elders proposed. On a couple of occasions I heard a few hushed murmurs but I never saw one person vote against. Did any of you ever see anyone vote against a resolution? -
Inviting disfellowshipped to the memorial
by wannaexit ini read in a european ex jw forum that this year they are making a special effort to invite not only the inactive but also a special effort is made to invite all disfellowshipped.
i don't know if this as always been a common practice, or something started anew so they can boast about the numbers of attendees..
No Hell-der has been in touch with me, as yet. although my dad asked my wife to give me an invitation. Needless to say if any Hell-der from my old cong comes a calling with an invite they will get told to go forth and multiply. -
Strange sounds from the mens toilet ,late 80s early 90s
by pleaseresearch inso as a young boy bored and wanting to stretch my legs i would sometimes take a trip into the toilet just to get away from the main meeting room.
did my little mind know what certain sounds were coming from behind the cubical?
no.. but now in my 30s i'm fully aware what that sound was.
Your favorite "bumper stickers"
by new boy ini have two.
"please god protect me from your people".
"if you love something let go.......if it doesn't come back, hunt in down and kill it" .
Saw this one just today.
Vomit inducing JW Broadcasting Music Video
by sieborg insorry in advance if you have.
do not know how to put in a direct link.
WTF is going on with them? I've only been off the JW grid for around three and a half years and so many changes? music videos? Pharells Happy parody!!!!!! Non of this would have been acceptable just ten years ago, so what the hell happened???????? -
Vomit inducing JW Broadcasting Music Video
by sieborg insorry in advance if you have.
do not know how to put in a direct link.
Not sure if anyone else had seen this. Sorry in advance if you have.
Do not know how to put in a direct link.
5 publishers in my father's congregation have just been put in rest homes.
by joe134cd inmy father was telling me the other day that 5 publishers have recently been put in rest home care.
interesting in a cong of about 80-100 publishers.
The older Bro's and sisters are an easy cash cow for these money grabbing bastards. I was Dfd in 2012 , but my other half who is still in da truwth tells me that they religiously (no pun intended) call round once a month for the contributions between hundred and a hundred and fifty quid (140-210 dollars) a month.
The reasons not to return to this bloodsucking cult continue to pile up in my mind with every passing day.
Aah sweet rebellion.
by Captain Blithering insat on the platform reading the wt and simultaneously posting to jwn.
a beard and a tablet on the platform, whatever next?
do i get a badge?
In the words of Loki in th new thor film. "YOU MUST BE TRULY DESPERATE TO COME TO ME FOR HELP."
They are desperate for men to reach out. when i was still in just over a year ago a brother in our hall read the WT and had a beard. i remember the tme not too many years ago that shaved heads, beards, were a big no, no. if C T Russell were alive now he would be turning in his pyramid shaped grave.
i dont know what country captain blithering comes from, but im from uk. got disfellowshipped in june this year if thats a clue. you sound like someone i know. send me a PM to see if i know you?
What does your screen name/avatar mean and what does it stand for
by BU2B inand why did you choose it?
if you have a avatar, what is it and why did you pick it?.
ok ill start.
My first name is Simon and have always been called Sie. When i first joined this forum i as still in the Borganization (Collective mind). i thought it appropiate at the time, but maybe i should change it now that i have broken free.
How I miss the 'Truth' of my youth....
by gingerbread inmy family moved from the city to the country.. part of the reason for the relocation was to move 'to where the need was greater'.
i loved our new home - i was free to roam the woods and fields, enjoy the wildlife, work in our garden and feed the chickens.
i had new friends in our new congregation.
I agree when i came into da truwf in 81 at first it was enjoyable. There were and i believe there still are genuine people in it, but no matter how nostalgic we get about the good times we had, it is still a lie.
The genuine ones (incluing my parents who shun me since i was disfellowshiped four months ago) are misguided and refuse to question anything that they are told to believe. THE REALITY OF THE LIE OUTWEIGHS ANY ROSE COLORED VIEW OF THE PAST.