I have a brother in law who is the Dean of Cardiac medicine at the University of Calgary/Foothills hospital, so I think he knows what he is talking about. I would post a link but I don't want the tinfoil hat club here trying to email him and tell him he doesn't know what he is doing. You people embarrass me.
1. Myocarditis after vaccine is very very rare.
2. Myocarditis after vaccine the vast vast majority of time clears its self up without any medicine intervention.
My third and I can not stress how important this is.
3. You are eight fold more likely to experience myocarditis from an actual Covid infection and have a much more severe case ( pericarditis ) than the vaccine. Covid does horrible things to your heart at all ages.
Seriously, it is time to start listening to the 99 % instead of the 1%. You are not special.