About ten years ago I went to a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert and went to the Merch table and wanted to buy a T-Shirt with a confederate flag on it and they didn't have any ( I use to be a lot more right leaning) . I went home later and did some research and got rid of it years ago. Some African American fans said they found the symbol hurtful and they got rid of it. So did Tom Petty. No big deal.
Also about five years ago Gun and Roses made a collective decision to get rid of the song " One in a Million " from the Lies EP. The " immigrants and faggots, make so sense to me, come to our country and do what they please, start some mini Iran or spread some fucking disease, they talk so many god dam ways, its all Greek to me " .
Axle, Duff and Slash said they wrote it when they were young and knew everything. Looking back it was just rude.
I am not really sure what Woke means but I am not entirely sure it is such a bad thing. Things change, times change.