Angharad, A friend of mine is involved with a Society for Creative Anachoronism here in the USA.
I look at all the pictures and scrapbooks she has collected and I recognized your name from one of them. It was from the Kingdom of Drachenwald. They really go to very elaborate measures to dress up in period costumes, have festivals which are really something to see. They have jousts, music and it's just awesome. I went with them to one of these functions to take pictures. I purchased a "real dragon's tooth," quite the conversation piece, but I have no idea what animal it came from-looks so real. I can't say where in the USA I'm from but I live in the Eastern part of the country. If you've lurked here
from the beginning then you know all about most of us. I can't help but think Simon is collecting
material for a book he must be writing. Well he's got an interesting assortment of characters to work with. lol. It's nice to have you posting here.7