Frenchy, Yes, there seems to be a definite moving away from traditional religion and structured forms of worship. Small groups of believers are forming what others refer to as home churches. They meet weekly to discuss topics of a religious nature much as we do here. I'm in agreement with your thoughts on religion being a forum for learning and exploring about God and his purposes rather than being spoon-fed doctrine. I'm enjoying this time alone with God and the free communication. Btw, I'm doing well, thanks for asking.
AhHah, Where do non-Christians belong in respect to God's kingdom? We both can no doubt
site many scriptures from both Hebrew and Greek scriptures describing attendance in God's house as a duty, delightful pleasure and spiritual privilege. Are we missing much of the enjoyment of spiritual life and growth by being singular Christians? Are we shirking our command to spread the gospel and forsaking the assembling of ourselves together in God's house? I say no, if all I see is hypocrisy. Returning to your question, I don't know where non-Christians stand in respect to God's kingdom. I know of non-believers with a very strong moral sense, who hold
themselves responsible for obeying their own consciences. Your conscience will approve or condemn according as one has or has not done what he believes to be right. I see the only way out of any form of spiritual darkness is to have a firm faith. Mine happens to be in Jesus.