waton -
what is meant by your comment "they wilt faster in the sun"????
born in 1955 jacko was baptized at 13 years of age in 1968.his life story, printed in the august 2015 watchtower doesn't state the year in which he married, it's fairly general when talking about it.
hmmm, i wonder why?i've come across a recording of an interview with jacko at a hall dedication in another part of the us in 2009 which provides some further information.he married his first wife, jenny, in 1974 at the grand old age of 19. no wonder they didn't want to print it in the watchtower.unfortunately his first wife, jenny, was diagnosed with cancer in 1999.in 2003 jacko was sent a letter from the gb stating he was being transferred to hq and his wife would be given appropriate work.
he initially didn't know why they were being called to hq as he felt they were being very productive in their fijian paradise, he states that they brought 75 people into the truth.
waton -
what is meant by your comment "they wilt faster in the sun"????
hi lovely folk,.
two years ago today i had a ha.. i have just re-read the kind words of support from you folks wherever on earth you be and they are still warming to me.. i have had a bypass op done re-hab and learned to live again.. i am on permanent meds and do lots of walking.
since the op i have walked 545 kilometres and worn out a pr of boots.. i walk with walking poles and they mean you take in 25% more o2 than without.
Glad you are still around. Every day above ground as they say!
remini said that she was warned of the jehovah’s witnesses that 'these f----rs are super powerful,' but is not one to cower in fear.. 'are you ready for my response?
'i don’t give a s--- about powerful.
Simon - not sure about this, but I just noticed that the Church of Scientology is advertising on your site at the top of this subject (or is it my web browser)? Not sure, but here is the link:
Leah Remini's Father Speaks - The Truth About Leah Remini |
Watch exclusive video interview with Leah Remini's father. leahreminiaftermath.com |
remini said that she was warned of the jehovah’s witnesses that 'these f----rs are super powerful,' but is not one to cower in fear.. 'are you ready for my response?
'i don’t give a s--- about powerful.
However the Scientology stuff is more dramatic - camps for kids, abandoning your children for others to raise, sea org - holding people hostage, smear campaigns, standing outside your home and business yelling falsehoods at you etc. If they do a program on the JW's, it will seem pretty mild compared to the Scientology programs.
Not sure how much viewer interest there would be - but perhaps enough for a single episode. I would love it if she did do an episode or two though.
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
"Women didn't do that when a man was present because the man could take the lead. They did it in front of each other and in front of children or teenagers. They didn't do it in front of anyone with any real power."
Same in our congregation - head coverings when meeting to go in service if there was no baptized male present. If there was (even a teenager) he took the lead.
Degrading. I, as a strong willed, loud mouthed woman never got along well. By 16 I was gone, from home and from the religion. Still a lot of anxiety and hurt from growing up a JW. Nothing like being told you cant do this or say that because you are not a man, and men are in charge.
Good luck keeping this woman down!!!!!
i was just thinking about the account of adam and eve, and how they both attempted to 'pass the buck', or shift the blame to someone else.
eve to the snake, and adam to eve.... does that sound familiar??.
the society has never taken ownership of its mistakes!
Never thought of it from that perspective. No Taylor Kitsch or Jim Jones to put forward. Just a 'governing body', but no actual 'head'.
On a side note - always enjoy your comments.
I have had more than enough preaching in my life time - take it somewhere else please.
i once asked my dad why, with all the power the wt insists on having so much control over its adherents' lives, they don't provide information about healthy eating habits or, like the adventists, wilderness training.
i mean, the gb encourage people to remain poor, and poverty is known to correlate with health outcomes, particularly those that are diet related.
i'd say most witnesses i knew over the age of 40 were overweight, had high blood pressure, heart problems, gastrointestinal issues, one kind of cancer or another (no doubt a result of eating their feelings if you ask me).
I can recall sitting with my folks and some of their friends and listening to the conversations. Doom and Gloom, that's all they ever were. Even my mother (another Super-Dub) would say "I cant stand all the gloomy talk all the time".
Every piece of bad weather, infectious disease, earthquake, change in government, loss of jobs etc would result in the conversations about this wicked old system of things and how it was gonna be cleansed soon (circa 1970's)
Stomach Ulcers were/are the norm. Try living up to the expectations of this cult and that's what you get.
"their miserable outlook" is hitting the nail on the head.
the purpose of this thread is to share some history with the community.
i am an active jw.
the reason i picked this forum is due to the openness and ease with which information can be accessed.
Perhaps HS is really GT:
the purpose of this thread is to share some history with the community.
i am an active jw.
the reason i picked this forum is due to the openness and ease with which information can be accessed.
Die Glocke
former aerospace scientist David Myhra express skepticism that such a device existed
pure conjecture from HS