My dad is in a retirement home - he is 88. He mentioned to me how no one ever comes to visit him, and that it made him feel sad. I told him people were just busy and that he could phone people as well. But that is a fact - old and forgotten. Where are your loving brothers and sisters now? Only ones who ever came to visit were also aged. They have passed on and so now no one comes. He still goes to every meeting and in FS every week. But they still seem to have forgotten him.
He for the first time, told me he wasn't going to go to the convention this summer. Will be the first one he has missed since 1954. Says it is just too hard on him now to go and be away from home, stay in a hotel, get himself ready etc. not to mention sitting down in bleachers for 3 days. I tried to hide my excitement about it. He did ask me how he could watch or listen from his room though. I told him I wasn't sure if he could do that. Anyone know if that is possible? I would rather he didn't, but if it makes him happy.
As many have said best to leave them PIMI than disrupt what is left of their world. He hardly has anything now, not sure what he would do if he actually had his eyes opened and he left.