run boy run!!!!!
JoinedPosts by Moster
New to the truth
by MatthewHewey ini have been meeting with member's of the kingdom hall, and i have attended a few times now on sundays.
i'd like to discuss experiences with this group since i'm new.
so far, i love it.
Apparently Jehovah`s Witnesses have no scruples about " LYING" to their GOD Jehovah
by smiddy3 ini thought it was bad enough that jw`s put in weekly reports of fs hours every month in the d2d work when in fact the average publisher would never mention this "good news of the kingdom" to the householder .. more often than not it would be something like some mundane thing about what they have observed about the householders property whether they have kids ,what a lovely garden they have before being cut off by the householder with i`m not interested knowing jw`s are trying to convert them/sell them the watchtower and closing the door.. yet the jw goes away happily putting in a report telling jehovah they have spent so much time in the fs witnessing about him and the kingdom of christ jesus...... cart witnessing is even a worse lie ,why ?
because jw`s make no attempt to witness to anybody they expect people to come to them to be witnessed to which of course never happens .
they spend hours upon hours a month telling jehovah by their fs reports they hand in how much they have witnessed for him ,when in fact they have done nothing of the sort .. they chit chat among themselves witnessing to nobody for hours on end and then lie in their fs report they have been witnessing for jehovah ?.
Do the publishers themselves have to pay for the carts? If so, what is the going rate?
Would You Go To A Memorial Service For A JW )if you were no longer attending the KH)?
by minimus insome of my old jw friends are sickly and getting on in age.
so far, i’ve only gone to my mother’s memorial and have avoided the kingdom hall altogether.... your thoughts please?.
Older JW: not happy
by Gorbatchov inthis week i visited my sick father in law.. then an old elder from my far away congregation came in for coffee.
did not see him in 15 years.. nice chat.
had a lot to say, is alone, his sick wife disabled and away from home.. he told me: "living alone is so hard.
neverendingjourney breaks my heart reading this. Selfish loving brothers.
Older JW: not happy
by Gorbatchov inthis week i visited my sick father in law.. then an old elder from my far away congregation came in for coffee.
did not see him in 15 years.. nice chat.
had a lot to say, is alone, his sick wife disabled and away from home.. he told me: "living alone is so hard.
My dad is in a retirement home - he is 88. He mentioned to me how no one ever comes to visit him, and that it made him feel sad. I told him people were just busy and that he could phone people as well. But that is a fact - old and forgotten. Where are your loving brothers and sisters now? Only ones who ever came to visit were also aged. They have passed on and so now no one comes. He still goes to every meeting and in FS every week. But they still seem to have forgotten him.
He for the first time, told me he wasn't going to go to the convention this summer. Will be the first one he has missed since 1954. Says it is just too hard on him now to go and be away from home, stay in a hotel, get himself ready etc. not to mention sitting down in bleachers for 3 days. I tried to hide my excitement about it. He did ask me how he could watch or listen from his room though. I told him I wasn't sure if he could do that. Anyone know if that is possible? I would rather he didn't, but if it makes him happy.
As many have said best to leave them PIMI than disrupt what is left of their world. He hardly has anything now, not sure what he would do if he actually had his eyes opened and he left.
Manmade rules
by Jrjw ini was talking to someone a few years ago and he said in his congregation they have a rail of white shirts prepared in the cloakroom for if a speaker doesn't have a white shirt on.
it was a rule in their hall that all brothers in the platform must wear white shirts when going talks and if the speaker won't comply when asked to change into the shirt they provide an elder in the congregation will do the talk instead.
i have never known any other halls do it so it must be a rule the elders have made up without gb input.
Dad wears purple shirts all the time
Brotherly love in action..
by Jrjw ini'm so upset and angry at the same time.
i move in less than 2 weeks and was supposed to be getting help off "brothers" to move and one of them was driving the van and now the elders have had a meeting and told the brothers they can't help coz i'm separated from my (abusive) jw husband and with moving it puts the chances of reconciliation (of which there was zero chance) even further away.
where are these stupid rules that they come up with.
Sorry to hear. That is indeed brotherly love in action.
Guardians Of Doctrine - Love it
Are there any full preterists here?
by quincemyles inare there any folks here who believe that armageddon, the "second coming of christ.
" the great tribulation and resurrection are past events rather than future?.
I am with Vanderhoven7
On Grief and Loss
by jp1692 inon grief and loss.
each and every tear is a memory.
and when you feel so intensely all that you have lost, you are also remembering everything that you have had.
If there was a "" button I would have clicked it. Your words warm my heart JP. Thank you.