I totally agree with the #1 and #2.
Regarding #3: Who are we (or WTBTS) to stop someone from speaking about Jehovah? Also, usually 2 JWs go to a door, the other JW could make sure that nothing bad happens.
1.report matter to the police first.. what does the watchtower say?
note the 97 wt on direction for reporting what is bad:.
w97 8/15 26-30 why report what is bad?.
I totally agree with the #1 and #2.
Regarding #3: Who are we (or WTBTS) to stop someone from speaking about Jehovah? Also, usually 2 JWs go to a door, the other JW could make sure that nothing bad happens.
well, i've finally had it.
i'm da'ing myself, along with a piece of my fam.
the unbaptised ones are refusing to go with my father now, and even my still devout father is leaning towards our opinion on things.. there wasn't even any screaming when i called the jw's the great hypocrisy last nite.. i just can allow myself to be associated with them in any way.
{{{{{{{{KISSES, WET TONGUE}}}}}}}}}
{{{{{{{{KICK IN THE ASS}}}}}}}}
i recently admitted to a jw back in wisconsin that we no longer go to meetings.
i told her that we have not disassociated but we do not think of ourselves as jws anymore.
i had been close friends with this person since 1974. .
What are you complaining about?
99.9% of this forum is GOSSIP!
are you a true apostate?.
heres a test that has been put together by the worlds top scientists to determine your true level of apostateness.. you recieve the latest watchtower and awake do you,.
a.devour its contents eagerly.. b.have a look to find the errors.. c.throw it in the bin.. d.cover it in petrol, set light to it and dance around praising satan.. how do yo feel about the elders ?.
Oh yessssss, I'm an apostate!
part 4: the last km school .
the average jw elder participates in extra exclusive activities over and above the rank & file jw: among them are the judicial committees, private meetings with the circuit and district overseer on various official occasions, possession of the secretive flock book, and kingdom ministry school.. of all these, the least frequently experienced is km school.
it is not all that exciting, because much of what is covered is admonition about what most jws already know that elders are supposed to be doing: examples in field service, regular shepherding calls, meeting preparation and attendance, study with the family, etc.
"The condition my brains were in as a JW, they needed washing."
So you admit that you were an ignorant moron while a JW, thank God you're out then. Now I understand why it was so easy for Ray to get into your brain.
part 4: the last km school .
the average jw elder participates in extra exclusive activities over and above the rank & file jw: among them are the judicial committees, private meetings with the circuit and district overseer on various official occasions, possession of the secretive flock book, and kingdom ministry school.. of all these, the least frequently experienced is km school.
it is not all that exciting, because much of what is covered is admonition about what most jws already know that elders are supposed to be doing: examples in field service, regular shepherding calls, meeting preparation and attendance, study with the family, etc.
When Amazing found Franz's book on the library shelf, a book he had been looking for, and a book that was almost always checked out, that may well have been God answering his prayers.
Or it could have been Satan.
following my note of jan 30 which detailed the way the society has been damaged during 2001 - .
un involvement rocks the society.
leaks from the elders school.
Oh yea, bring on the persecution so that we can prove that JWs DO have the truth!
part 4: the last km school .
the average jw elder participates in extra exclusive activities over and above the rank & file jw: among them are the judicial committees, private meetings with the circuit and district overseer on various official occasions, possession of the secretive flock book, and kingdom ministry school.. of all these, the least frequently experienced is km school.
it is not all that exciting, because much of what is covered is admonition about what most jws already know that elders are supposed to be doing: examples in field service, regular shepherding calls, meeting preparation and attendance, study with the family, etc.
Typical for God, he does not say anything directly in eturn ... just silence
Why would he answer you? You had already made your decision without God to leave, so there was no sence in him answering your prayer. Your faith was already dead, brainwashed by Ray Franz.
was visiting this week and in his talk he got on the subject of movies.
he began by admitting that he was not familiar with the rating code but that it was wrong for a christian to see an r rated movie.
he stayed at least five minutes on the subject.. afterwards there was the usual, abbreviated wt study and i found paragraph four particularly interesting:.
I think it's silly to say R movies are wrong. The R rating in the US, can be a PG in Australia, and vice versa. For example, The Matrix was R rate in the US, but I think it was a PG in Australia. So a JW in Australia could watch it and not the once in the US?
or this could be titled: "ridicule this!
" that's because the ridiculer doesn't just ridicule old men in brooklyn, or the bible, or the religion of their family; rather those so inclined ridicule reality itself.
the beauty of the truth, though, is that it is irrepressible, so much so that even some of the sons of this system can, by the power of reason, unknowingly arrive at the same conclusion jehovah forsaw centuries before.
You Know:
Did you read my last post on this thread?
Can you provide me with the scripture from Isaiah so that I can analyze it?