Just my 2 cents worth here:
What if Jesus death wasn't a sacrifice? What if Jesus allowed things to work out as they would on this planet because he knew that in order for the Comforter to come, he had to leave...? What if the whole purpose of His life was to reveal His Father and make a start to setting things straight?
I find the biblical accounts just too difficult to accept hook, line, and sinker.
As some may remember (from my first topic post), I believe God is love. With that in mind, how could a fair, loving, just God demand a brutal sacrifice from his blameless and innocent Son? No, the reason I do not believe the Bible accounts is because my litmus test is: Does the thing in question reveal God's Love? If it does not, I do not find it credible.
There is more to man's history than revealed in the biblical accounts! The Bible also lacks a good explanation of why we find ourselves as we are.