I've just recently discovered this forum, so I haven't contributed before. I would like to share a website I found recently that has much info regarding your question. The website is www.607v587.com Hope this helps! Shar
Posts by Shar
Can you answer this please?
by sleepy inyesturday my wife bumped into one of our former friends from the hall.. she tried to discuss a few points with him but as she hasn't done much research herself was a bit stuck when he told her that the reason the society dates the fall of babylon to 607 was because the jews were in captivity for 70 years which working back from 537 you come to 607.. i tried to explain to her that the bible does not specifically say the jews would be in captivity for 70 years but that in daniel it talks of the devestaions of jerusalem ,which could mean it rulership by babylon which started before they were taken captive.. beside that isn't it true that people were left over in jerusalem and only the elite taken?.
anyway at the end of 2 chronicals particually verse 21 it talks of the land laying desolate 70 years this would sujest that the 70 years maybe did refer to the desrution of jerusalem.. can anyone point me in the right direction on this?.
by the way this has no bearing on what i think just my wife as i don't believe the bible to be the word of god anyway, and there are far bigger problems with the witnesses time prophecies , i just need to show from the bible it is wrong as that is the only source of authority for some people.