I don't believe in reincarnation, however I do have some questions about that inner voice, intuition, subconscious premonitions.
A couple of weeks ago a friend of my boyfriend, Nick, died in a car accident. The strange thing is that another friend helped this guys parents clean out his house. The friend got on his email and found an email sent to a girl he occasionally dated just the night before he died. The email smacked of what was initially thought to be suicidal thoughts. He spelled out almost perfectly what eventually happened the next day. He talked about how he had cheated death many times but that the roads are dangerous this time of year. He wondered if he died would she cry at his funeral & speak well of him.
Now we don't really believe he committed suicide. A car accident is not a way to get the job done. And we don't think he would have put other's lives at risk. But even Nick, who was the last to speak to him on a cell phone about 30 minutes prior to the accident, said that he sounded very different from usual. He was very flamboyant and always over-exagerated everything. But this time he was quite mellow. Interestingly, Nick made these comments about this before we knew of the email letter or any thought of suicide.
So I wonder....could he have had a subconscious premonition? I would normally not believe in this sort of thing, but I find the coincidences quite odd. What do you guys think?