I completely forgot about this. Back when I was a teenager and had just joined the not-truth, an elder told me about wind chimes being demonic. I thought he was just being superstitious and crazy, so I dismissed it entirely.
Searching through the WOL, there is actually a Questions From Readers about it, and surprisingly, Watchtower is a lot more reasonable on this matter than on others- https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1981412.
Noooow, let's hold on just a sec.
"However, if one’s motive in putting up a wind chime has nothing to do with false religion, superstition or demonism, and there is little possibility of others’ getting the wrong impression regarding its use in the home, it is a simple matter for personal decision."
...but, ummm, just remember that for... reasons... the same doesn't apply for birthdays, wedding toasts, saying "bless you" when someone sneezes, disco music, hypnotism, yoga, ad infinitum.