A couple weeks ago, I finally told my wife that I no longer believe in the Bible. I refrained from giving her the full details- that I already planned my complete exit and that this is more than just a lack of faith, but a complete rejection of everything the organization is and ever was.
My wife was very understanding and supportive. Much more than I expected. Unfortunately, she felt the need to call the elders over. Call me a fool, but I love her so much I have trouble saying no to her, so I sat and talked with them.
They were extremely supportive and polite. When the time is right, I'll return to this thread and recap in more detail what went down. Basically, they just asked me some questions and wanted to hear me out. They tried to refute some of my arguments, but ultimately conceded that I had good points, that I had a right to question faith and require evidence. They also we're understanding how hard it must be to lose faith in something that was a huge part of my life for many years.
They're all of the mindset that I will "figure it out" and be restored in due time, but none of them know just how far I'm gone. For now, I let them know that I don't feel comfortable preaching anymore, and they agreed that it wouldn't make sense to teach something I don't believe in.
Wheeeew. There are so many ways it could have gone, most of them much poorly than it did. For now, I'm accompanying my wife to the meetings just to be her companion and because I don't feel safe with her going out alone at night during the midweek meeting. When we move from here, we'll be in a safer area and I'll drop my meeting attendance.
Which leads me to the absolutely delicious question: Will this memorial be my last?