My uncle thought it was impossible for David Blane to perform any of his tricks without the help of demons.
I knew a JW who, upon seeing a Luna Month for the first time in his life, was convinced he saw a demon.
My cousin, from the non-JW side of the family, had her Link to the Past SNES cartridge thrown out by her non-relative JW babysitter because the babysitter found out the game had magic and wanted to protect the family from demons.
Seems like everyone had at least one encounter with a demon in their lives.
Garage door opened on its own? Demons.
Alarm clock didn't go off? Demons.
Drunk driver? Demons.
Broken car windows? Demons.
Theory of Evolution? Demons
Ancient aliens? Ancient demons!
Wind chimes? Demons.
Insane Clown Posse? Demons.
That last one I agree with, though.