please send the link.
Thanks again
5 more letters arrived today.
1--2019-11-08-proposal to merge the congregation charity into the kingdom hall trust-------------------2--2019-11-information relating to the merger with the kingdom hall trust-------------------------.
3--2020-01-minutes of meeting of the charity trustees-1.
please send the link.
Thanks again
5 more letters arrived today.
1--2019-11-08-proposal to merge the congregation charity into the kingdom hall trust-------------------2--2019-11-information relating to the merger with the kingdom hall trust-------------------------.
3--2020-01-minutes of meeting of the charity trustees-1.
yes, please send the link.
Thanks again
cities across america have been pillaged and destroyed these last few days.
a white policeman has been charged with murder of a black man.
protests have been organized across major us cities and horrible riots have occurred.
The question is why are we kept here. Why does nothing progress?
Poverty and ignorance are profitable.
The same question was asked about the war on drug and "why does nothing progress?"
The answer, the American economy is heavily reliant on the many branches of the narco business.
I'll start with one: abolish public sector unions that protect police and teachers from the abuse their members inflict on the public they are meant to serve. Oh, suddenly it goes quiet and the appetite for change will vanish and we'll be back hearing about "systemic racism". Intentional vagueness to avoid real change.
Hint for anyone who doesn't get it yet: if you are a politician who's political office and not inconsiderable wealth is built on a combination of angry-black votes and union contributions, you don't want that shit fixed!
You are correct that there is no real desire for change from the top. Not everyone at the bottom of the pile wants change. That said, we cannot use that to dismiss the arguments of those who want real change because they have been victim of a broken system. The danger lies in painting everyone with a broad brush.
i hear every mayor, every politician, claiming that the protesters are coming in from "other states".
at some point, with about 130 cities that had protests over the last weekend, where the hell are people coming from???.
there are only 50 states (57 per obama, but that includes us territories and kenya).
If you want to protest, and I can understand, but why not stay close to home? Save the fuel, travel expenses, whatever. Find a near-by city. Get a local hotel. Do whatever.
Some are paid to be there. Others want to be closer to where there is more media coverage. For example, during the "Yellow Vests" protest in Paris, there were people protesting in other parts of the country but with little media coverage. Consequently, more people travel to Paris to create bigger impact.
It is often not abuse the cause but more of a bragging right.
they hanged mary!
(the townsfolk did)i'll tell you about it - but .... the facts will turn readers against her.
i mean, after all, she did kill a man.sympathy instantly dries up; making her agonizing death--as awful as it was--much less empathetic.
they needed to blame someone or they needed to make something the scape-elephant
cities across america have been pillaged and destroyed these last few days.
a white policeman has been charged with murder of a black man.
protests have been organized across major us cities and horrible riots have occurred.
What if black parents taught their kids that white drivers were out to get them and it didn't matter if they stayed on the sidewalk or not, so they run across the street and start leaping in front of cars. Who contributes more to resulting deaths, the parents or the drivers?
Too many black people are doing a terrible job of raising their kids
Single mothers make lousy parents.
The black community fall for it every time, but strangely they only ever seem to care when it is some thug who's been held to account.
@Simon some of these statements are correct but that can be said of all communities no matter the race or nationality. However the same statements do not make sense as they are taken out of context to fit a narrative.
This website is a perfect example of how a lot of ex JWs still linger here and try to find solace and comfort from past experience in the organization. It is amazing that some have left the organization over 30 years ago and they are still triggered by some issues after so many years. Anyone who hasn't been part of the Org will just say, "it's been a long time, get over yourself" or "you can't live in the past".
There are a lot of JWs who are leading a destructive life style due to experience they had in the organization. You cannot critique their current way of life without taking into account the impact of their past. In the same vain their are ex JWs leading a great life despite their experience. Does that negate, the impact on the later?
With the above said, the issues in the news are not about the black community per se. All communities in America have their own stories or their account of injustices. The black community is probably more vocal about it than other communities but that doesn't negate the fact that a lot more communities have the same issues.
The same is true on this website where some are more vocal than others about their disdain for the JW organization. What brings everyone together to this website is that they have been impacted in one way or another. It is not about comparing who has suffered more.
You cannot make a broad statement about current world issues without taking into account how we got here. Understanding the context does help to appreciate the hows and whys.
the fake news wants us to believe that one cop who murdered one person sparked all this.
i am seeing this crap in london and around the world.
this does not make any sense.
Quetzal, That is way to simple of a statement. Gain is a relative term. Money is not the only thing that is to gain and I doubt its about money. People who only think about money are poor people. Rich people and revolutionary think about power, the money comes naturally after power is achieved.
@phoenixrising, that is exactly my point and that is why I said ,
you need to pay attention to whoever stands to gain no matter how the wind blows.
just an odd thought i guess.
i saw a large snake in the back of my house the other day and it went on its merry way.
i just asked myself, what if the snake turned around and wanted to have a philosophical discussion on life, the universe or the origin of creation and then began to ask me questions?
that snake will have to meet it's maker (satan or god) it doesn't matter
the fake news wants us to believe that one cop who murdered one person sparked all this.
i am seeing this crap in london and around the world.
this does not make any sense.
There was an effort to destroy the economy and keep people at home. Close businesses, tell us what we can and can not do where we can and can not go
That is really stretching things a little. If you want to understand what is going on, you need to pay attention to whoever stands to gain no matter how the wind blows.
cities across america have been pillaged and destroyed these last few days.
a white policeman has been charged with murder of a black man.
protests have been organized across major us cities and horrible riots have occurred.
The facts are clear and that is that the police do NOT go round murdering black men. It's all BS.
You are right that the police do not go around with the intention of killing black men. Your statement is correct but it doesn't address the issue.
If you are driving within the speed limit and a child runs into the street, and the child is killed, you will have to deal with authorities not matter what. You might have to go through drug, alcohol and other tests. Some police expert will likely want to see if there are skid marks to check the breaking distance and your speed at the time of the accident. Even if you did everything within the law of the land, you might still end up with consequences of the child's death.
Your lawyer's defence cannot be "The facts are clear and that is that my client did NOT go round murdering small children. It's all BS"
Part of the public consternation/anger is the lack of due diligence and independent investigation when situations like this arise.
You mentioned police camera in your previous post. It can be a double-edge sword. Sometimes it works for the police but at other times it can work against them. There have been cases where footage have been deleted by the police when the camera should have been on. My point is, body cameras by the police doesn't always work to prove them innocent.