She made some interesting points about glorifying a criminal but she lost me when she started to throw around statistics comparing Black/White deaths.
If your child was shot by someone, the last thing you want to hear is, "Madam, do you know that what happened to your child has 1 in a million chance of happening in your street". In the eyes of a grieving mother, the stats are irrelevant.
Her comments about the black community defending it's own is very true but I am not sure if she is right that other communities do not act in the same way.
The the first Gulf way, America went to war in the middle east and some allies tagged along (The British) even when they knew the reason for the war was bogus. American's often say "you should support the troops" even if you don't believe in the war.
Candace's claim that other communities do not support their own even when it is a bad decision is not factual. Everyone does it, it is almost human nature.
That is why you get into a fight at school if someone calls your mother a "fat ugly whore". You already know that your mother is really a "fat ugly whore" but you still want to defend her. You didn't choose your mother and you would have preferred to have a "top model god fearing christian mother" but that is not the case.
Candace started off well but lost her way towards the end. She comes across as knowledgeable but she misses the point.