Jack Nicholson in As Good as it Gets: "Go sell crazy someplace else we're all stocked up here."
I'm still waiting for the opportunity to use that line on jws at my door.
...or least favorite?.
just for fun of course.. i just posted on the top 10 movies to take on a desert island and it had me wonder.. anyways....as to my favorite:.
"there is no spoon.
Jack Nicholson in As Good as it Gets: "Go sell crazy someplace else we're all stocked up here."
I'm still waiting for the opportunity to use that line on jws at my door.
please, i am asking that only those who responded to my first poll about the numebr of molesters they know, to respond to this poll.
this way i can make sense between the two polls.. please also, as you did before, avoid comments until i post the results.
here are tow qeustions and how i answer them to kick this poll off to a start:.
#1=1 victim
#2=2 victims
#3=5 victims
#4=9 victims
#5=3 victims
#6=1 victim
#7=1 victim
#8=1 victim
#9=2 victims
#10=3 victims
#11=1 victim
#12=2 victims
6 congregations
I live near Grand Lake St. Marys. Auglaize/Mercer Counties.
Lived in Fort Wayne Indiana for over 20 years, been living in west central Ohio for the last year.
i wish to conduct a legitimate poll, or at least as legitimate as it can get on this forum.
unless you are or were a jw, please do not respond or make comments.
please simply give an answer, without extended comments.
Twelve molesters, five of them in my own family.
it seems like to me the majority of people who are in the truth, are were in the truth was a result of either a family member are a friend witnessing to them and not many seem to have been found in the door to door work.. from my years of associating with the borg i cannot recall many coming in the truth from the door to door work.. how were you sucked in?
for me it was my aunt who has now even though i am not disfellowshipped decided to write me out of her will to the tune of about $150,000.00 (maybe i should hang around a couple more years)dont think i will.. please respond .
I was born into it. My great-grandmother was the first into the religion. She was exposed to it by listening to the radio programs back in the 1930's or 1940's. She brought her mother, step-father,siblings, husband and children in, and it was passed on down. My father was raised in it but never baptized. He married my mother who wasn't a jw and brought her into it.
and tally, if you've known about this and have been holding out on us, well, let's see you spin a page with this "gem" hahahahahaha.. .
scally (heavy metal class)
Speaking of making a profit off of WT teachings...Stoops Manufacturing has been selling "No Blood" jewelry for years. They sell all kinds of witness related junk.
Get your pioneer supplies here: http://www.stoopsmfg.com/
i have a question about restrictions on df'd persons wanting to come back to the org.. i finally joined here on mar 26, after reading posts for about a month, with telling my story first.
what moved me to join in was reading ozzie's post on mar.23(i think), about "restrictions" regarding reproofs, probations, and df'ing.
i appreciated his comments and was so glad when he brought the subject up.
I know the real reason you feel restrictions are unscriptural, because you've been on the receiving end of them. I am sure you weren't half as humiliated as your wife was over you being busted for your online liasons. I'm sure the next time you get caught and end up disfellowshipped, then disfellowshipping will all of a sudden become unscriptural.
I haven't forgotten about the "pulsating bud." Was that line "smut just for the sake of smut" or was it something else? Please enlighten me.
from the sexual abuse guest log:.
date: .
I don't need to "read a book" or "ask one of the professionals" about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I live with it every day. So I know quite well about triggers. I am quite entitled to give my opinion based on my own experiences.
No I have not "penned responses everytime" you or Silent Lambs have brought a post over here. I have a life outside of cyberspace. Yes I am involved in things in my community to help abused women and children.
I am able to speak about what I've been through. I have spoken of it to people I think need/want to hear it. I don't believe it is something that needs to be out there in everyone's face all the time, at every opportunity. But after going through therapy and getting on my my life, I know there are more constructive ways to use my experiences than to bombard people in cyberspace with all the gory details.
Your comment about me "condescendingly dismissing" that girl's experience, is just too stupid to even bother making a response to.
Tolerance is something I do have. I just don't have it for child abusers or people that enable them. I don't have it, I never will have it. I am not going to spend my energy "trying" to feel compassion for these people. Where was their tolerance and compassion for their victims?
from the sexual abuse guest log:.
date: .
waiting -
I have read several of your posts that have mentioned you were abused as a child. You seemed to go in my opinion quite over the edge as a result of a chat room conversation. Now considering your reaction to a joke in the chat room I can't understand your response, concerning this mother (I'm using that term loosely) that would still want to be married to the slime that raped her daughter. She isn't "necessarily wrong" for wanting to stay in the marriage? In my opinion a woman that would still want to be intimate with a man that violated her little girl (it doesn't matter what age the daughter was, your daughter will always be your little girl) is sicker than he is.
You said tolerance is an acheivement. Having tolerance for child molesters and those people that enable them to continue abusing is not an acheivment I ever hope to reach. The day I would have compassion for a molester or those that stand silent for them to molest again is the day I'd hope to be dead. The moment you choose to either hurt a child or not stand up for a child who has been hurt is the moment you cease being deserving of compassion and tolerance.
And before you try telling me I can't judge her because I haven't lived it, you can forget that arguement. Let's just say I have plenty of horror stories of my own, but unlike what I've seen you do,I won't beat everyone over the head with the unpleasantness that I've had to endure.