I might be the exception because I left first. But, a big part of me leaving was just getting tired of having to bow to elders, some of whom (in my area) could hardly read well enough to do a bible reading, but thought they knew everything about me and what I should be doing. And, why believe the Bible (an ancient, clearly flawed book of writings) and give that power over your daily life?
I've always been an independent thinker, though, and truthfully, was never very popular in JW land.
Mr. Spiral is 4th gen JW so it was harder for him, but as it turns out once I said enough he was fine with it (and promptly grew a beard, lol). We've never been happier and the relatives really can't stand it.
I do think a lot of women feel powerless and need structure and tribe so they look for a religion. There are a lot of people (not just women, but perhaps more women because of social constraints) who need to feel included in something "bigger" than they are as a "mere" human, to guide them through life's "mysteries". Lately I have been really surprised and puzzled to observe how women will play along when, obviously, they are smarter than the particular men involved. (You'll have to take my word for that part.)
Hopefully, as society evolves women will continue to gain more power. I hope for that for my grandchildren!