All must bow before this work of art by Silent Lambs. How appropriate the saying "To make a crooked stick straight, we bend it the contrary way".
JoinedPosts by Siddhashunyata
Teen wins fight to refuse blood transfusions
by blondie in
cbc news.
teen wins fight to refuse blood transfusions .
Did I miss something or did Wayne Mckee (JW ELDER Calgary) state that this was not a religious issue but a human rights issue. Two points: The WTBTS has always fought to establish that blood is sacred and for that reason blood is refused. Secondly, their involvement is "prima facia" evidence that it is a religious issue involving their religious doctrine. Why this "Human Rights" spin? Is this an attempt to ward off liability because their blood policy may change and this little girl has followed THEIR rule . IF THE POLICY CHANGES IT COULD BE CONSTRUED TO HAVE BEEN FRIVOLOUS. BY FOCUSING ON HUMAN RIGHTS THE ATTENTION IS TAKEN OFF OF THE BLOOD POLICY ITSELF AND THIS BECOMES, NOT A CASE INVOLVING A FRIVOLOUS POLICY BUT, A CASE WHERE THE LITTLE GIRL IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE AND THE WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE.
by Bhagavad in....... a guide to spiritual enlightenment ....... by eckhart tolle, was published in 1999. tolle helps us to be conscious of now.
he relates on page 43: "since ancient times, spiritual masters of all traditions have pointed to the now as the key to the spiritual dimension.
despite this, it seems to have remained a secret.
The WTBTS teaches that "eternity" means unending time but the truth is that eternity is a place of no time which is the present. Psychologicaly we are bound by thought . Thought is based on memory which in turn creates the past and future. When this process is "stilled" that is, when thought ceases, the Now or present is perceived. In this state, there is a sense of union with that which is observed and the discovery that there is only one "Self". It is this Self that is doing all the looking everywhere. That is why St Francis says " What you are looking for is what is looking" The "looking" is in the present which is eternity. The whole process starts with the individual watching his own mind and seeing the action of thought, how it "hooks" us and we identify with the thoughts and get carried off with them. When that stops ( and it will not stop easily because it is the seat of our identity ie: "Iam QCA1", " I am Bhagavad"," I am Siddhashunyata" etc.) When the the thought process stops the identification with the self it has created also stops and another identification comes forward. The new identification is universal to all humans and there is only One. It is not based on thought and it resides in the eternal present. This Self is the true nature of all humans and that realization manifests in the individual as "COMPASSION" because he perceives the profound ignorance that is behind all the suffering of the individual " thinking " persons. The Human Race has been overcome by its manipulation of symbols (thought) and has lost touch with its common Unity . If this were understood then things would really change because it would mean the end of fear and therfore the end of using thought to accumulate and defend the separate selves. For over 35 years I have endured a belief sysem(JW) hoping that the Governing Body understood the implications of consciousness expansion and its affect on perception. But No! They simply do not know and therefore they sustain a belief system that strengthens the very "self" that Jesus said must be left behind. They teach "Imitation" not " Transformation". They are part of the old paradigm that is passing away.
Can 'truth' change?
by wholewheat in.
in another thread i posted the following thought, but i wanted to post this for everyone to see and give their input.. the argument that 'truth' never changes holds no water.
according to random house webster's dictionary, 'truth' is defined as follows,"conformity with fact or reality".. the word 'conform' is defined as,"to bring into agreement".. if 'truth' never changes, then how can something taught in science that is considered to be 'exact', later be corrected by 'conforming with fact or reality so as to bring into agreement'?
Relative truth can change because it is incomplete . The truths reached by thought are relative truths and they change according to what is later related to them. Absolute truth is not relative and is changeless and beyond thought: it is observed directly and has the sense quality of the whole being in the parts. Controversies always will accompany thought because it is a process of fragmentation where as absolute truth is whole and can only be experienced directly. Religion and Science based on thought cannot arrive at absolute unchanging Truth.
The LOVE among JWs is an act.
by HomebutHiding inas can be learned from reading my posts, i have been really questioning belief systems lately.
yesterday, while browsing at barnes & noble, i noticed several religious books, each espousing its cure for human weakness.
i remembered how it was of utmost importance as a jw that others see the love we had, since we alone had the holy spirit, and christ's followers would be easily recognized by this love.
Yes, the WTBTS teaches imitation . They encourage the retention and strengthening of the ego. They imitate "leave the self behind" but discourage authentic " transformation"( loss of self) by imposing a system of rewards and punishments to produce outward conformity. Thus they create outward "peace" and inward "conflict and anxiety".
Yoga Anyone?
by dobby ini just read with interest an article entitled yoga - just an exercise or something more?
in the august 1, 2002 watchtower.. i know that growing up a witness i had always been told that yoga was related to spiritism and the occult.
however, with the popularity of yoga among the mainstream in recent years as a means to keep fit not as a means to find spiritual enlightment, i thought the society may have lightened up a bit.
The WTBTS is an ego centered religion and as such everything it recommends strengthens the ego. Even their application of self sacrifice is worn on their sleeve and strengthens the very thing that stands in the way of liberation. How could they ever understand "transformation"? To them , the way to salvation is through "imitation". Thus they are a collection of individual egos imitating a collection of egoless individuals. That's why their love is false and their compassion is sectarian. As stated in another thread, an enlightened individual cannot be manipulated by the powers of this world and any technique that leads to enlightenment , that technique is a threat to those powers. Anything that threatens the WTBTS will be demonized by them. Its their style . Look how long it took them to accept the existence of the subconscious.(approximatly 1988 ). ( Not to mention the theological rat's nest they cunningly avoided by never discussing the relationship between "sin" and the subconscious.) For decades they demonized psychology and the sources of aberrant behavior in abused individuals. Now that Eastern spiritual practices are part of the mainstream they arrogantly dismiss them as from Satan.
Need Help with INFO
by JT indoes anyone still have thier old "aid book"-.
i need a small quote: it is either under divorce or homosexuality-.
it is pre-1988 revision of the grounds for divorce.
More evidence of 2nd Adventist Megalomania.!
Being Spiritual, What Is It?
by larc inbeing spiritual, what is it?
that title looks like a watchtower article, doesn't it?
i raise this question after reading a recent thread, regarding what people believe now that they are no longer a witness.
Spirituality has nothing to do with belief. Belief is based on words and concepts. By definition , these are limited. Spirituality means relationship. This occurs in the present instant and because all things are interconnected there is a sense of identity with "All" and therefore an end to fear and separation. This understanding puts the human condition in perspective and generates the overall aspect of Spirituality...... compassion.
WTS soon to be in World of Hurt !!!
by Amazing inthe state of california is now considering legistlation to make it easier, in fact very easy, for a victim of pedophilia to sue the church (catholic church is main target of legislation) for significant monetary damages - perhaps shifting the burden of proof somewhat to the perpetrators (priests) and their religious organizations who knew of these child molesters and shifted them around to different parishes.
the watchtower religion will also be significantly affected as the legislation is generic enough to include all religious organizations.
what else will be of concern to the watchtower religion?
Amazing, in historical cases would the courts consider tracing the "lineage" of liability? For example would they find the WTBTS liable as it existed at the time of the "molestation"and simply impute that liability to the present transfigured corporate "persona"?
Fire Walls and Sueing the Society
by voltaire ina few thoughts about the society's efforts to protect itself from litigation.. i attended the elder's seminar a few years back where we were instructed to write in our elder's manual a few extra instructions pertaining to filling out the society's disfellowshipping forms and other aspects related to judicial cases.
that was nothing terribly unusual.
we often wrote in clarifications and updates during meetings with the co. this time was a little different because we filled an entire page with seven(i think) specific instructions.
Voltaire, your vision is accurate. The WTBTS faces a dilemma and the myth about their protecting the congregations is about to be exposed. More than anything else this will bring about major changes in their expansionist ambitions. Once the Elders suffer disillusionment, it remains to be seen as to what theWTBS will do to win back their support.