I would have thought that 2 would come mind when thinking of Wonderwoman 😂😂
what kind of games should we play on this discussion board?
this forum needs to be more interesting.
any ideas?
I would have thought that 2 would come mind when thinking of Wonderwoman 😂😂
what kind of games should we play on this discussion board?
this forum needs to be more interesting.
any ideas?
What about something simple like name a film with a number in it's title?
2001 A Space Odyssey.
in the latest jw broadcast, anthony morris the turd gives a talk about donations.
to camouflage this, he starts and ends the talk by saying that isn't actually what he's doing.
first he starts with the usual disclaimer, 'wt has never begged for money like christendom and we never will', you know the drill.
At least Christendom is up front about it , and l say that as a member of that awful group of degenerates .
Our contributions are to our local church , but SOME of it does go to the CofE where it is used to pay for vicars in poorer parishes . However any church is only asked to give what it can afford when it's own needs are met .
Unlike the WT our finances are completely transparent with the PCC , of which l am a member getting regular financial reports and each year at the AGM a yearly report is published for any of congregation to see .
Also my church , and l would think others make donations to charities at home and abroad.
No the WT isn't comparable with Christendom, at least he got that bit right .
in march, the criminal court of ghent, belgium fined the congregation of jehovah’s witnesses (jw) for “inciting discrimination and hatred or violence against former members.” the case centered on the jw practice of “disfellowshipping.” while the court’s sensitivity to the individual impact of shunning is laudable, its decision regrettably assaults the freedoms of religion and association.. first, some background on jw beliefs and disfellowshipping.
jw was founded in the united states over a century ago and is headquartered in new york state.
Yes Diogenesister every human being has the right to shun someone.
No one has the right to make / coerce some one else to shun anyone else, especially a family member .
That is taking away the rights of the person being coerced.
That is what should be outlawed .
i have been out of the borg for years!
do circuit overseers still visit the congregations?
via zoom?
I love this
anyone heard from these guys ?
it's been a while since they have posted ..
I will . He'll appreciate that .
my wife and i have been together for 12 years.
married for 6. she was born into the truth, i studied for 2 years before we got married.
we would attend meetings on a weekly basis, go to conventions, and memorial every year.
What Sea Breeze said .
It is so sad to hear of a relationship breaking down , but there is a life ahead of you .
anyone heard from these guys ?
it's been a while since they have posted ..
I have just messaged Stan, he's a fb friend , and l can tell you that he's fine . He just feels that his time on here is over
howdy folks,.
i am interested in learning whether or not the watchtower society is the only religious entity that teaches the "from paradise lost to paradise regained" idea.. the "idea" is that god's original purpose for man and the earth has not changed.
god purposed for adam and eve and their offspring to reproduce and fill the earth and live forever upon it; but the problem of sin entered into the picture and temporarily interrupted that purpose from being completed.
I think that the WT is perhaps the only organisation, their description, that teaches the 2 tier system .
Yes the Bible says that eventually the earth and the heavens will be destroyed after the devil has been imprisoned for a 1000 years . During this time what appear to be martyrs " those who had been beheaded for their testimony about Jesus " will reign with Christ . Interestingly the wording is " they CAME to life and reigned with Christ " Rev 20
Ch 21 starts with " then l saw a new Heaven and a new earth for the first Heaven and the first earth had passed away. and there was no longer any sea "
I know that some Bible scholars think that the sea refers to the sky so now Heaven and earth are merged
Then we are told that God's dwelling place is now among the people and He will dwell with them in the new Jerusalem.
Ch 22 says that from the throne of God and of the Lamb a river of the water of life will flow and on either side of the river will be the Tree of Life
This sounds like maybe Eden restored. So the implication seems to be that the New Heaven and New Earth will be one and ALL " the saved " will be together with God.
So how does the WT get the teaching that some stay on earth for ever and 144,000 go to Heaven ? That is also where they lose anyone with any Bible knowledge. I've queried this with JWs and basically the answer is " It's what the Org. says "
So yes a thousand year reign on earth but then it all changes.
I can't say that the WT is the only faith group that teach that some people will live eternally on this earth restored to perfection but l know that not many do .
this is happening in western australian indigenous communities .... quote: "some american-based preachers are distributing emails and videos warning that covid-19 vaccines are evil and the work of satan, and the notion has infected some christian communities in the west australian outback.. veteran aboriginal health worker kathy watson said people spreading false information about the covid-19 vaccination and its links to the devil were "mad".".
see more at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-06/anti-vacc-church-speaks-out-against-misinformation/100430208.
Rafe, l think that you are saying that all of the paranoia and guilt etc can be induced in individuals by political ideology . I think so . In Nazi Germany some " good " Germans believed Hitler's rhetoric about Jews and turned on their neighbours, sometimes friends .
In communist regimes paranoia and brain washing are used to keep the populace being loyal . With the result that " good " people do bad things.
I understand that the brainwashing techniques used by the WT were devised in North Korea for political purposes
Fear , paranoia and guilt are not exclusive to religion ( some religion ) .
Most mainstream religions , even in the USA , do not produce these negatives in their followers
The vicar at the time sent this as one of his daily emails to the congregation of my church ( apologies for my friends picture on the screen shot ) .
Does that seem like someone trying to induce fear or guilt or anything other than a positive mental health attitude ?