I have to put my hand up and say that l didn't realise the high amount of gun ownership in some other countries. So , yes it's interesting that America has a much higher murder rate.
I suppose that the only reason that we are aware of the US gun laws is
A - because of the amount of firearms in American tv programmes
B - the amount of mass shooting there
So l do take the point that banning guns is very impractical and probably wouldn't work anyway. However semi automatic and automatic weapons do make mass shootings much easier .
Simon l do live in an area where violent crime is rare . However l think that most people still have very little chance of being stabbed even in large cities .
Death by stabbing is still rare enough to hit the national headlines.
I do agree that given the situation in the US schools should be protected. My point was that it is a sad state of affairs when that is necessary. As far as l know no other first world country has to take such measures .