I have not seen or heard of any athletes collapsing. The list of ex Olympians who have died does give their ages.
I have had 3 lots of mixed vaccines as has my husband and l know LOTS of people who have had 4 doses now , all perfectly fine .
here in 2022 if anyone says anything against the vaccines even a little bit you are almost apostate.. someone once mentioned all vaccinated sports stars collapsing and someone else said not to speak badly about the gb or by extension jehovah.. the gb can’t get out of this one, it’s gone too far.
it’s now the case that if you speak against the vaccines you are speaking against the gb and by extension jehovah .
I have not seen or heard of any athletes collapsing. The list of ex Olympians who have died does give their ages.
I have had 3 lots of mixed vaccines as has my husband and l know LOTS of people who have had 4 doses now , all perfectly fine .
being born-in and raised as one of jehovah's witnesses i remember a common theme or phrases used by the watchtower in its theory of why things are the way they are -.
jehovah created humans.
jehovah created humans as free moral agents.
Perhaps determinism is what the Bible calls man's sinful nature .
Because of original sin we have all inherited a " sinful nature " . Sin is doing what we want not want God wants and because of our genes, our upbringing and other things not under our control we all " fall short " . Of course our parents, teachers and other human influencers are subject to the same flaws determined by their genes, upbringing etc . So the cycle is "determined " to continue .
So God sent Jesus to break the cycle of sinfulness for which in a way we aren't responsible.
Now weather that means that no one should be punished for crimes they have committed? Well it's true that the fear of human punishment does deter people and many have been rehabilitated from a criminal lifestyle.
However it's also true that even really nice people can do nasty things , lie , gossip , backbite , envy etc .
So determinism makes sinners of us all . We need help to break free from that. The Bible tells us that " God so loved the world that He sent His Son to die for us while yet we were still sinners "
Sermon over . I just felt that l wanted to put a Christian spin on this discussion.
jehovah's witnesses resume sidewalk carts after pandemic pause, soon will do door knocking.. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2022/08/05/jehovahs-witnesses-resume-sidewalk-carts-door-knocking-next-list/10168175002/.
Carts have been back by me for a good while now in the UK .
here is a practice i only recently learned about and am actually interested in learning more details...some of you may have experience on the subject.
i always thought it marvelous, loving, and kind how the brothers would go in ( at their own expense) after disasters and repair homes of the witnesses who had been adversely effected.
i personally have worked freely helping to clean and repair after flooding.
Well however they manage to wrangle ( technical term ) it surely what they are doing must be considered fraud .
If contractors have provided quotes which definitely should happen in the UK then the insurance company thinks that it's that is the best price for the job .
I do not see for the life of me how this practice can be legal. Tut tut Watchtower.
in the women's euro tournament, england beat germany 2-1 at wembley!!!.
i'll be honest - i've never really been that interested in women's football.
no, it's not because i'm a sexist pig, it's just that i was brought up on men's football and haven't had a tv license for the past 10 years.. but this win could really put women's football on the map, at least in britain.. there has been a bit of hysteria about the nickname 'lionesses' but i think it's a great name.
I'm not a football fan but I'm proud of the women . That fb post says it all .
in the women's euro tournament, england beat germany 2-1 at wembley!!!.
i'll be honest - i've never really been that interested in women's football.
no, it's not because i'm a sexist pig, it's just that i was brought up on men's football and haven't had a tv license for the past 10 years.. but this win could really put women's football on the map, at least in britain.. there has been a bit of hysteria about the nickname 'lionesses' but i think it's a great name.
"the chemical imbalance theory of depression is still put forward by professionals, and the serotonin theory, in particular, has formed the basis of a considerable research effort over the last few decades.
the general public widely believes that depression has been convincingly demonstrated to be the result of serotonin or other chemical abnormalities, and this belief shapes how people understand their moods, leading to a pessimistic outlook on the outcome of depression and negative expectancies about the possibility of self-regulation of mood""read: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m92v7hb0njm2mnvnu6nv0kpnkzloe-_k4crh_wphpti/edit?usp=sharing.
It appears that people think that l took Citalopram because basically l couldn't be bothered to "do " anything for myself. " when you are depressed you don't care for mental health " . Well l did care , l cared a lot . I could see how worried family and friends were . I didn't like feeling as l did . In fact l hated it and wanted to feel differently.
When once the medication broke the cycle of low mood , no sleep , no energy , low mood l started to get out . I did all that stuff , well maybe not run but out walking getting fresh air and sunshine. I just wanted that kick start out of the cycle .
"the chemical imbalance theory of depression is still put forward by professionals, and the serotonin theory, in particular, has formed the basis of a considerable research effort over the last few decades.
the general public widely believes that depression has been convincingly demonstrated to be the result of serotonin or other chemical abnormalities, and this belief shapes how people understand their moods, leading to a pessimistic outlook on the outcome of depression and negative expectancies about the possibility of self-regulation of mood""read: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m92v7hb0njm2mnvnu6nv0kpnkzloe-_k4crh_wphpti/edit?usp=sharing.
Terry it's sad that you had a negative experience with medication but as l and others have said it can be very effective. You said that you went to a therapist, not sure what you mean by that.
I can only say that my British GP was very careful in diagnosing and treating my low mood depression. As has been said depression has many causes and depths of severity. I was never suicidal .
I was carefully monitored and had no side effects, other than feeling nauseous for the first couple of days.
There was no way on earth that l could have gone running or taken part in any form of physical exercise. I simply had no energy whatsoever because of lack of sleep and the vicious cycle of feeling low
Citalopram broke that cycle .
"the chemical imbalance theory of depression is still put forward by professionals, and the serotonin theory, in particular, has formed the basis of a considerable research effort over the last few decades.
the general public widely believes that depression has been convincingly demonstrated to be the result of serotonin or other chemical abnormalities, and this belief shapes how people understand their moods, leading to a pessimistic outlook on the outcome of depression and negative expectancies about the possibility of self-regulation of mood""read: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m92v7hb0njm2mnvnu6nv0kpnkzloe-_k4crh_wphpti/edit?usp=sharing.
I understand where you are all coming from but again l would say that until you've been there........
I wasn't put on Citalopram straight away , l had lots of talks with the doc and senior nurse at the practice first. Then l was carefully monitored and told that in some patients it can cause suicidal thoughts so l was well aware of that . The doc made sure that it suited me before putting it on repeat . He described my condition as , in layman's terms, l had been sad for so long my brain had forgotten how to be happy.
I really don't know how exercise , diet etc would have helped. I wasn't sleeping so had no energy. physical or mental to exercise with and had a good diet anyway . I can only say that it worked for me . I am now back to how l was, active, laughing and loving life.
"the chemical imbalance theory of depression is still put forward by professionals, and the serotonin theory, in particular, has formed the basis of a considerable research effort over the last few decades.
the general public widely believes that depression has been convincingly demonstrated to be the result of serotonin or other chemical abnormalities, and this belief shapes how people understand their moods, leading to a pessimistic outlook on the outcome of depression and negative expectancies about the possibility of self-regulation of mood""read: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m92v7hb0njm2mnvnu6nv0kpnkzloe-_k4crh_wphpti/edit?usp=sharing.
Even if the Citalopram had a placebo effect ( a big if ) it did me no harm and helped me .
How do you suggest that l could have been treated for my low mood depression ( not the same as clinical depression- at no time did l feel suicidal) ?
Given that as a Brit l didn't have to pay for my medication at point of contact as it was on the NHS l was happy to try it .
In fact how do you suggest that anyone suffering from depression of any kind be treated without drugs ? .