Sorry that I've been a while getting back on .
The reason that l said no JW answers is because as with everything they only push their own agenda. The Tetragrammaton definitely was in the NT writings but was deliberately removed by apostates to back up false Trinitarian teachings . That kind of thing .
Then they choose to put the Divine Name back into the Bible to back up their teachings. Also their methodology for translating is at best in question .
I read the Howard pdf and to be honest while following their reasoning l still saw lots of
Reasonable to ASSUME
Etc .
Also if l read it correctly the Tetragrammaton was sometimes substituted by other words in MSS of the OT . So this practice of substitution isn't a new thing for lots of reasons including honouring the Sacred nature of the Divine Name.
As l previously said for every scholar on one side of the debate there will be one on the other side . The point being that the matter is still under debate until proof is found to settle the matter.
It still just could , and l emphasise could , be possible that the writers of the NT deliberately used Kyrios etc. instead of God's personal name when quoting from the OT on purpose.
I didn't mean to sound bolshi about this and apologise if l did .