please can someone tell me what exactly happened to the money that came from the sale of homes etc. Was it donated to the org and if so was it given back when 1975 didn't happen .I expect not but can someone please tell me the exact situation regarding the sale of homes and cars and so on . Did you sell something valuable and what was your experience ?
Posts by jhine
WT Society holds EXTREME Responsibility for 1975 and False Expectations
by flipper inhowever- many jw's who have come into the jw organization from like 1985 forward virtually may have no knowledge of the wt society's 1975 debacle and false predictions of the end times or armageddon predictions.
just like in in the book 1984 by george orwell the wt society has a way of not only erasing it's history so no newer witnesses will be aware of their false predictions, but also they are re-writing their history as if those false predictions never happened.. so for those of you here who may have never read or heard of how whipped up into an emotional frenzy witnesses were in the years just before 1975 by the wt society claiming the end was any day now- this threads for you.
to see the pressure that was put on jw's by the wt society to get rid of everything before " armageddon " .
Does the WT have any legal grounds to go after "apostates" for defamation, slander, libel?
by never a jw inquestion to all those well versed in legal issues.
all jw's, when confronted with criticism, claim that apostates lie about the wt.
i always have wondered, given the litigious environment in which we live in western democracies, why the wts doesn't go after all those websites that publish so many "lies" about "the truth".. can this lack of action on the part of the wts be used as evidence of the truthfulness of the message in "apostate" sites such as jwfacts,.
really glad that someone has asked the question , are we all thinking that we wished we had asked , I am !.I have wondered about this as I have once tried to get JWS to say that I must be lying when they were horrified that I said that the " should you believe " booklet was just aload of lies .
I said" well one of us , me or the booklet , is true which is it ? " hoping that they would say the booklet ,implying that I was the lier . . The cunning plan then was to challenge them to prove that . They didn't fall for it which made wonder if they had been told not to get into a situation like that where truth had to be verified .
I also said once that I would happily stand in the middle of the road and shout that the same booklet was a load of lies , cus I knew that the Watchtower would at least be reluctant to take any action for reasons mentioned in other posts . Again no takers , so are they briefed not to get into a situation like that cus the GB know that it might make them ask awkward questions ?
I do also use more subtle methods to try to help JW realise TTATT , I am not always so hot headed , just tried shock tactics those times , but alas they didn't work .
How many former Jehovah's Witnesses bury their head in the sand when it comes to reasoning about the NGO "conspiracy"?
by Change Name inhi all - sure sure, you can call me a troll or brainwashed cult member.
i am totally interested in how your answers to these questions.. .
do you find yourself ignoring anything that jehovah's witnesses bring out in regards to their former status as an ngo?.
please post a copy if you have one of this letter , it would also be applicable to the thread about Witnesses not having to divulge everything (ie lie ) if the situation warrents .I said on that thread that Witnesses should consider how much information they were entitled to on a need to know basis , but this would seem to take that one step further.
A question about lying and the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Change Name ini have seen questions regarding how much jehovah's witnesses lie all the time on yahoo answers.
here is the latest question:.
jehovah's witnesses, is lying at any time something jehovah approves of?.
hi changename , re Russell thought that the end times would be 1914 I have just been looking at some of the old Watchtower stuuf on another thread , thanks Barbara Anderson .From " the great pyramid" 1913.
I quote "and in this connection let us remember that this date limit-AD1914-must not only witness the completion of the selection and trial and glorification of the entire body of Christ " pge 64
" Call to mind that the scriptures showed us that the full end of gentile power in the world , and of the time of trouble which brings its overthrow , will follow the end of AD 1914, and that some time before that date the last members of the church of Christ will have been " changed " glorified . pge 62
A question about lying and the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Change Name ini have seen questions regarding how much jehovah's witnesses lie all the time on yahoo answers.
here is the latest question:.
jehovah's witnesses, is lying at any time something jehovah approves of?.
change name , if they leave nothing out and everything is hunkydory in JW world then why the loophole of not telling someone something that they are not entitled to know ? there should be no need for such thinking. Again I say that my faith would not give me license to leave something out if a person is not entitled to know . How do you judge if a person is not entitled to know ? how do you judge what they are not entitled to know ?
Why don't you try asking about to the 2010 elders handbook and see what they say . The secret one that no-one is supposed to know about especially the sisters . It does exist there is plenty of proof of its existance on the interweb , just see if you as someone who is not entitled to know gets told the truth . Then wander what else is kept from the r& f
A question about lying and the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Change Name ini have seen questions regarding how much jehovah's witnesses lie all the time on yahoo answers.
here is the latest question:.
jehovah's witnesses, is lying at any time something jehovah approves of?.
never bin a JW , am a trinitarian . Namechange < am sorry if someone else has said this , ask yourself why you should withold info to anyone , that indicates something to be ashamed of . When I talk to someone about my faith I will answer every question honestly and to the best of my knowledge because I have nothing to hide . Paul says that we should handle the gospel with integrity and keep nothing back .
You say that you have been given all the info that you need to be baptised , have you ? or have you only been told on a need to know basis ? I said on another tread that once that once a principal has been established it can be used on anyone . How do you know that the people who you study with know everything or has information been witheld from them by people higher up the ladder ?
cantleave, glad to see that JW bigotry is well and truly dead and buried !!Brummies are nice( or noice) folk . We brought electricity with us to this part of the world and saved the gene pool from imploding , we can't be all that bad .
not an ex JW , so do I count ? anyway an ex Brummie now still living in east mids . Not saying where in case I get some active dubs in trouble .
RELIGULOUS...Please watch it.
by Fed-up ini know it's been commented on before here.
if you haven't seen it (i'm sure it's on netflix) please take a look.
it's the other side of the coin, presented in a funny way that really makes you think about religion and worship.
cobaltcupcake , I agree with Cold Steel ,
there are lots of Christian denominations that really are Christian , not cults like the Watchtower .
you should really learn to question everything , people fell hook line and sinker for some of the "facts " given in the Da Vinci Code , Dan Brown was less than factual in order to make a good story , if you care to check . Maybe your time in the Watchtower disinclined you to independant research . If people in the org . really checked stuff out they would be VERY surprised .
peolpe will , unfortunately , bend the Truth for their own ends in all sorts of scenarios . Look for the truth on your own , in the bible , in the teachings of the early church , Tertullian etc and accept nothing you are told at face value .
seek and you will find God bless
Josephus and Jesus
by jhine inon another thread wot i read a few days ago and can't remember which one, someone asked why josephus never mentions jesus .
at the time i had no knowledge of this so kept quiet .
however today while reading an excellent book (don't know if i should advertise but if anyone wants the title let me know ) i have found out that josephus mentions jesus in around about manner.
o.k. last word from me as this is going nowhere . LOts of scholars say that the James reference is authentic . I have just spent an hour looking this up . John Painter , theologian (look him up ) says that "who is called Christ " is used by Josephus to distinguish him from the other two whose parentage he gives . Seems to me that if the Jesus associated with James was the one made High Priest he would be refered to as "son of Damneus" all the way through to avoid any complication , by using the different descriptions Josephus is making it plain that the two men are different people .