sarah , oh yes , thank you .
Posts by jhine
13 bloodlines of the illuminati
by truthhurts13 inthis may have been talked about already, but i didn't see anything.
i was doing some research and keep seeing ole charley's name on this list.
it does make sense though, the more i think about it......
So where else can we go?
by Julia Orwell inno, i'm not misquoting peter talking to jesus again, or relating a conversation i had with a jw.. i'm asking something a little different.. i began my fade in jan this year and completed it at the memorial on 26th march.
since learning ttatt and becoming mentally free, my depression has improved, i see colours better, and my anxiety issues have dissolved.
i returned to teaching high school after years away from it, and am a substitute teacher at some local schools.
Julia , as a never JW Christian ( Church of England ) I struggle to get my head around the level of oppression and brainwashing exercised by the Watchtower . I am free to study and question as much as I like .
You have obviously suffered mentally during your time in the org. and I gather from this forum that that is not so unusual , entirely understandable in fact when you are expected to suppress "you " in favour of a corporate entity . Having struggled for so long to be a good JW and toe the line by pushing aside your God given reasoning powers discovering TTATT must have been devastating , as I said I cannot begin to imagine and would not have the audacity to say that I know how you feel .
Can I liken this to the experience of someone leaving a high control system like prison or even the army . When faced with freedom , for the first time in years, to think and act exactly how you want , many do struggle to adjust to life on the outside . Having been told what to think , what to wear , how to act , by someone else the realisation that now you have to find your own thoughts and opinions , make your own decisions , can be a little overwhelming . Couple this with the fact that you seem to have had problems with depression for a while , not the first and definately not the last , and it is no wonder that you are finding life difficult at the moment . I would go with the people saying that , if possible , sit back, slow down try to take time to find out who you are , yes do some digging into the history of Christianity and do some thinking about your views now on YHWH and Christ etc . I know that it will be viewed that , of course as a Christian I would say that and the sceptics on here will say why bother ? but I assume that for some years at least you had a faith in God and that was important to you . To have the rug pulled from under your feet about the org must have caused earthquake sized tremours in your life , to lose your faith in God JUST because you feel let down by a bunch of people who claimed to be His representatives would be tragic . I say JUST because it can be a knee jerk reaction to lose faith in anything except yourself and your own self reliance when you feel that you have been duped and made a victim , you( not ureasonably) vow to not let that happen again . I would suggest though that you think about , pray about this , and come to a decision about faith slowly and in an informed way . You must make your own path now , but please do not make rash decisions or changes , that might make you bitter and angry for life , as some here seem to be .
I'm going with George too , Philip and Charles maybe as well . Then they Should include Grandad Middleton's name to be fair ! What is it ?
13 bloodlines of the illuminati
by truthhurts13 inthis may have been talked about already, but i didn't see anything.
i was doing some research and keep seeing ole charley's name on this list.
it does make sense though, the more i think about it......
Charley who ?
recent convo. re: pedophiles and JW practices
by new22day inso my former jw bf, now just an ex and only a friend (thank god!
) is visiting and mentions that he has been bothered about points i made in the past about pedophiles in the congs.
he says he asked "an elder" at a dc about it and he said there is no tolerance for pedophiles and they advise people to see their doctor when these things come up as they are not equipped to handle it.
just keep doin' what ya can . A penny might drop one day
July 15, 2013 WT for Dummies
by Calebs Airplane in"faithful & discreet slave" nu-lite crash course.... before october 2012.... the faithful & discreet slave were all of the 12,000 annointed christians that are still alive on earth.
they dispense spiritual food at the proper time and are represented by a small group of powerless and humble men in brooklyn known as the governing body.
this may be compared to professional athletes of a particular sport who hire publicists and/or agents to represent them.. after october 2012.... the faithful & discreet slave are only 8 elite men in brooklyn, ny who collectively call themselves "the governing body".
Calebs , thank you for the info .
July 15, 2013 WT for Dummies
by Calebs Airplane in"faithful & discreet slave" nu-lite crash course.... before october 2012.... the faithful & discreet slave were all of the 12,000 annointed christians that are still alive on earth.
they dispense spiritual food at the proper time and are represented by a small group of powerless and humble men in brooklyn known as the governing body.
this may be compared to professional athletes of a particular sport who hire publicists and/or agents to represent them.. after october 2012.... the faithful & discreet slave are only 8 elite men in brooklyn, ny who collectively call themselves "the governing body".
I asked the local JWs about the noo lite and they didn't seem to understand the implications of whatever was said about the F&D . Can someone give me quick rundown on what was said that made the change from 144,000 to the Brooklin 8 . I am a never JW so some of the finer points go over my head !! Though to be fair the heads of some JWs seem to get dusted with finer points as well !!
Who I really am, my story on YOUTUBE!
by Gojira_101 inthe death of a jw and the birth of me the apostate..
a huge thanks to my friend ray publisher (jwstruggle) for posting my video for me.
now that i am no longer held prisoner from the fear of watchtower, i can now help others!.
Shyla , you go girl ! never bin a witness , am a Christian , and I will be your friend , just like all the others on this site .
Anthony Morris The 3rd Talks About Human Hot Dogs At Armageddon, There Will Be No Picnic For Survivors
by frankiespeakin inwatch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
Ann , have sent you an e-mail just . If you have not recieved it please post . Will be back on the site Friday , at a funeral tomorrow .
Daniel Chapter 7 - Commentary - NEW ARTICLE
by EdenOne ini've just published a new article on my website.. it's called: "daniel and the future of the 'saints of the most holy' - a commentary on daniel chapter 7".
i'd like to draw your attention in particular to the identity of the fourth beast since i depart clearly from the more or less consensual explanation that is about rome and the antichrist.
i won't waste time with that it isn't, though, and focus on what it is.
Something to think about , how do you think that this fits in with the statue in Daniel 2 ?