Sorry Smiddy just seen this. Of course l agree to some extent . Their are religious groups that are cash cows and some individual preachers ( mostly American it has to be said ) who milk their followers.
On the flip side this was part of an exchange on a What's App group that l belong to.. . " l thought that you would like to see the washroom that is being built in memory of our niece .... who died. My sister and brother in law have close contact with a charity in Ghana."
Sister Aba is over here at the moment as she is visiting a young man they have funded through Oxford University. Christianity in action!
If people turn up at the clinic on a bicycle ( the rich ones ! ) they pay one rate . If they have flip flops on they pay less and if they are bare foot they aren't charged.
That is how Christianity should work and does in in some groups.
So l can't agree fully with that blanket statement because l know better.