Where does the notion come from that Universal Healthcare costs more than private?
It absolutely doesn't. Most Brits pay, on average. about the same per annum through taxes, which are based on income, than the average American per month.
I understand that people can still go bankrupt paying for treatment in America even though they have insurance.
Diabetics die because they can't afford insulin because , of course , businesses aren't going to pay out more than has been put in to fund life long care .
Americans have pen pushers who have no medical knowledge decide if the treatment needed is financially viable.
A couple l know have a son who is married to an American lady and lives in America. They have good insurance but when one of their new born twins needed essential surgery for spina bifida the insurance company questioned the doctor's recommendation. The office based " professional " wanted to know basically if the money spent would be worth the outcome!!!. The surgery wasn't to save the child's life but vastly improve the quality. So you have a system where bean counters can over rule a highly qualified medical professional . Fortunately the op did take place.
No thank you sir , l would fight tooth and nail to keep that kind of healthcare from the UK
The NHS isn't perfect but by heck l will take it over the American system