Can Twitch get some love for a fantastic rendering of Monty Python? :)
1) take meds for your megalomania and delusions of grandeur.. .
suggestions welcome.. .
Can Twitch get some love for a fantastic rendering of Monty Python? :)
i'm a 17 year old from scotland.
can i just say this site is absolutely brilliant.
finally found people with open minds and free thought that doesn't just consist of "well the wt told me this so it must be right".. my story is that i'm just like any other child of a jw...brought up into a life of indoctrination where "the world's" thinking is automatically wrong.. that is until i was 14 - a light turned on in my head.
A few things.
1) Welcome. You seem very mature for your age.
2) Glad your parents don't seem like the shunning kind. Give them a break, they probably are raising you the only way they know how. if you treat them kindly and with respect, you may even win them over sometime.
3) I've been to Scotland and in particular Glasgow. I love it.
4) Nothing wrong with washing windows if you do it well, with pride and dignity. So don't beat up on the janitors and window washers. I made about 45K a year one time part time cleaning windows when i was younger. But I'm glad you get to pursue your secular carreer with your prents help.
Good on ya.
i sent my dad the fred franz talk "my story" when he somewhat candidly discusses the failed prophecies, 1925 etc.
i was hoping it would plant a seed of doubt in his heart.
however my parents eat sleep and breathe wt.
I feel like parents at this stage would be incapable of realizing what they did was wrong, and will just be wrecked with grief at your impending death, rather than ever conceed you have a point. My mother "sees problems", but if sin was what God counted "who could stand?"
With thinking like that, where can you possibly go? He doesn't see the parallel (and clearly responded in an over the top way to show you it had no effect, and illustrate how YOU should be viewing it), because it has never occured to him. Simple enough. You have a different vantage point.
Who is it that said nobody has ever changed someone elses mind simply by proving they were wrong? I think that is ESPECIALLY true in this case. Yopu almost have to be equally frustrating to them, as they are to you. How? By not being specific. Here are a few of my go to statements.
Keep in mind I sometimes use the bible not because I know how to feel about it, but because its meaningful to my audience. #JWtraining. Haha.
(If they bring up Moses you can mention that Moses was a prophet and they are not one.....usually clears that up)
Anyways.....there is no easy way, but I agree you have to tell your parents at some point. If you would liek to bring up the crazy parts of scripture, I say go for it. there is some really indefensible stuff from a moral perspective in there.
since many years the nov public wt has only one color and no picture on the front cover.. very strange.
so the design department saves time and can go from door to door ...... .
It strikes me as I skim this, that the article in no way even attempts to address the idea of Satan not existing.
The "is satan just a symbol" arguement they start with, basically just says well.......Satan spoek to Jesus, and he wasn't talking to himself, therefore Satan is a real person.
So once again, you have to use the thing that asserts the existance of another thing to prove that the thing asserted is in fact real.
I simply no longer get the logic in that.
since many years the nov public wt has only one color and no picture on the front cover.. very strange.
so the design department saves time and can go from door to door ...... .
I always knew to instinctively associate Brocos orange with Satan........always knew.
so recently a governing body helper gave a part on the convention.
he said young ones who are saying and not financially ready should knock it off.
what conflicting advice.
To tack on to one eyed Joes comment......while you then fullfill the GB's loving expectations fo you being a 30 year old virgin with no retirement and a crap job, you also cannot go home and play video games (I hear 30 year old virgins like those......a lot), get high, drink to your lonleyness, strike out on the town for a movie unless its PG, and you will still be considered WEIRD by the local hall.
If you happen to be an elder at this point in your life, you may have a chance with the buxom 1 female in the entire circuit worth talking to...but wait!!! There are 17 other guys just like you!
Oh praise be to Jehovahs wisdom in making you so unhappy.
That letter is depressing. What is most disturbing is someone sits their and writes that tripe, then evidently they still sleep soundly.
I know what it feels like to receive those. They offer ZERO gratification.
Try not to let it get you down. If you want to fight, I would offer a letter in return asking them for a description of what advantage there could possibly be (as well as a copy of the transcript.....and possibly the recording tiself on a flash drive), insisting that they reconsider their stance since it is reasonable to conclude that you offer your information willingly and without spite.
thoughts, comments, outbursts ;) .
Jehovah's Witnesses - Misspelling the word website since they discovered the internet in 2011!
(new tag line?)
in numbers 31 we read the following:.
jehovah then told moses:2 take vengeance for the israelites on the midianites.
afterward you will be gathered to your people.3 so moses spoke to the people, saying: equip men from among you for battle against midian and to execute jehovahs vengeance on midian.4 you should send 1,000 of each tribe of all the tribes of israel into the army............ 7 they waged war against midian, just as jehovah had commanded moses, and they killed every male.8 along with the others slain, they killed the kings of midian, namely, evi, rekem, zur, hur, and reba, the five kings of midian.
That is one serious stretch of reality. Moses was not allowed to go into the promised land because of the moment when the water came forth from the crack. Not an aggregate of all the times he "took matters in his own hands".
In the bible Jehovah doesn't let up on the expressing of displeasure when he sees fit. No displeasure expressed here.
I mean.......seriously?
in numbers 31 we read the following:.
jehovah then told moses:2 take vengeance for the israelites on the midianites.
afterward you will be gathered to your people.3 so moses spoke to the people, saying: equip men from among you for battle against midian and to execute jehovahs vengeance on midian.4 you should send 1,000 of each tribe of all the tribes of israel into the army............ 7 they waged war against midian, just as jehovah had commanded moses, and they killed every male.8 along with the others slain, they killed the kings of midian, namely, evi, rekem, zur, hur, and reba, the five kings of midian.
Millie thanks for your response. I enjoy the back and forth. I am very much in a place where I don't know what I think and feel either. I've only not attended a meeting for just over a year. One thing I try not to do however, is squeeze things into a preconcieved way of thinking that may make me "feel better".
When I was an apologiust, I was interested in Gregs work as well. On a more basic level however, I have begun to question the reasonableness of taking the bible literally. Your analogies are apt. Defending ones family, killing domestic animals that are overunnign a community.....these are nuanced problems where context is always fluid.
However, I don't think they are analgous to a divine benevolent creator God. Like you siad, either these things happened or they didn't. The flood is a great example. You have to almost 100% go on fiaht to even consider such a thing happened, THEN you have to accept that God felt that slowly and painfull drowning every man woman and child on earth, as well as all animal life, while the demons that were apparently hanging around got to go back to heaven after causing the downfall of men........was morally ok?
Its simple. If I believe in a moral, personification of love type supreme being, then I do not believe that happened.
If i believe that happened, then I do not believe in a moraly superior personification of love creator God. I cannot be made in Gods image, in the image of the personification of love, and have a greater sense of justice than God in an imperfect state can I?