Interesting responses. They really do run the gammut.
I have seen many people who have left, for one reason or the other, and really do fall apart. Without feeling like their actions are being judged, and having their personality and vices reigned in, they flail. In that case, they certainly are better off as a JW than not. Simply put, they aren't very good people, when not under the fear of displeasure of God.
To me that is very sad.
My life is in many ways harder, not because of lack of "spiritual compass" whatever that means, but because my support structure is gone. I have to start from scratch just shy of middle age. Why do I have to do that? Because I think differently about the religion of my youth?
The only reason to think that your life problems, and attendance at meetings are somehow quasi related, requires a great deal of explanation does it not?
Why did you leave? Was it doctrinal? 10 years......let me tell you its alot crazier. Was it because of guilt or "sin"? Usually people that consider going back feel guilt or sin, and have never really researched the organization.
Why not give it a solid researching, critical, and pro.....and then make a grown up decision as to what you know, don't know, and don't care about.