Sorry I was not able to scrutinize your whole - looong - message, I got stuck at this piece of flotsam:
>>And why the Pentagon? It could have been any building in Washington. These souls hurled their bodies into the Ministry of Defense (of the country with the largest armed forces and which also happens to be the largest producer and trader of weapons in the world), offering their lives so that, perhaps, mankind will finally lay down its weapons and learn to love. Could the message be any more clear?<<
Who are you trying to kid with this nonsense? These terrorists were not souls, they were souless, evil, filthy, worthless monsters. They were not trying to convince the world to lay down its' weapons, what twisted notion is that? Give me a break. They were trying to set in motion events that would bring the free world to its' knees. They failed only because they are, essentially, idiots who cannot see the true repercussions of their actions.
If you, or whoever wrote this mess, is in any way defending the actions of these beasts, please, respectfully, I insist that you crawl back under your rock.