Doing some research as to what qualifications someone needs to meet to become an elder, I came up with one conclusion: It's who you know and is very subjective.
Funny thing is too, if you searc the WT online library there are not recent articles that describe and outline the requirements. Which makes me think that there were too many requirements and as we all know, it is based now on how close you are with the current CO and not necessarily on being a model JW in the congo. So the borg decided to leave it up all to the CO and not tell the rest what to look for on these appointed men.
You could do your hours, be early to the meetings, be prepared, keep your car and house clean, family in good reputation, etc but if you are in the circle then you can forget it. Which is ok with me, I wouldn't want to waste my precious and important family time, but that's just to show how so not present the holy spirit is with these elder appointments... if there is such thing as a wholy spirit present that is but that's another subject.