After so many responses, it is difficult to find the right words without sounding like a broken record. So I will sum it up the simplest way I know how...
Thank you.
my most painful confession
note to simon: i will use some expletives, but i hope that they will be retained as this is intended to be an otherwise civil and thoughtful post to all my fellow ex-jws.
please read on, as this is most painful.
After so many responses, it is difficult to find the right words without sounding like a broken record. So I will sum it up the simplest way I know how...
Thank you.
i no longer have a need for my collection of materials, and thought i would offer it to the members of this board prior to ebay.. i would like to sell it "intact", but will entertain all serious offers.
a couple of books that are not on this list that i will throw in to the buyer ->miracle in stone - joseph siess - 1874 (reffered to by russel in the studies)communication with the spirit world of god - greber (1987 ed -- we all know about greber and the wtbs)miracle of the agese, the great pyramid - worth smith (1934 - autographed/inscribed by the author)pyramidology book 1- adam rutherford.
books range from good to excellent condition.
I have posted the collection for sale on Ebay.
If anyone is interested, they can go to
i no longer have a need for my collection of materials, and thought i would offer it to the members of this board prior to ebay.. i would like to sell it "intact", but will entertain all serious offers.
a couple of books that are not on this list that i will throw in to the buyer ->miracle in stone - joseph siess - 1874 (reffered to by russel in the studies)communication with the spirit world of god - greber (1987 ed -- we all know about greber and the wtbs)miracle of the agese, the great pyramid - worth smith (1934 - autographed/inscribed by the author)pyramidology book 1- adam rutherford.
books range from good to excellent condition.
I considered simply burning it, however, with all things there is a value.
For me, it was the discovery FOR MYSELF that all that I had read in the "apostate" literature was true. Sometimes, you just have to see it for yourself, no photocopy can do.
Rutherford is quite a study in himself. Some of his early words (in the "Millions now living..." book/sermon) were inspiring, especially as compared to his later "hate filled" drivel. Methinks he had quite a time adjusting when he was not as accepted as Russel once was.
OrangeFatCat, I do not know what a "fair" value is for this collection. I know what the FreeMinds site "asks" for similar books, and I know (roughly) what I paid to aquire these. If you have a figure in mind that you would spend to aquire them, please let me know. This is why I did not post an "asking" price for it, I figure this will be negotiated in private.
Mary, Good luck with the sales of the wheat and beans. Perhaps you can make a fine malt beverage from them to enjoy if you are unable to sell them.
I realized that my email address was not open, so I created an account for this board, you can reach me at [email protected] if you want to.
i no longer have a need for my collection of materials, and thought i would offer it to the members of this board prior to ebay.. i would like to sell it "intact", but will entertain all serious offers.
a couple of books that are not on this list that i will throw in to the buyer ->miracle in stone - joseph siess - 1874 (reffered to by russel in the studies)communication with the spirit world of god - greber (1987 ed -- we all know about greber and the wtbs)miracle of the agese, the great pyramid - worth smith (1934 - autographed/inscribed by the author)pyramidology book 1- adam rutherford.
books range from good to excellent condition.
I no longer have a need for my collection of materials, and thought I would offer it to the members of this board prior to Ebay.
I would like to sell it "intact", but will entertain all serious offers. A couple of books that are not on this list that I will throw in to the buyer ->
Books Range from Good to Excellent condition.
The List (format and some info borrowed from the Free Minds site, many thanks!):
Please let me know if there is any interest in this collection.
very urgent please help.
i am looking for scriptures that refer to the correct way of worship (and i am sure it will not include reference to watchtower material).. i am currently studying the watchtower with some jw's in our area, but have serious reservations about their lack of communal worship that does not include complete readings from the bible.
reading a chapter and then using the watchtower to back it up instead of using the bible to backup the teachings of the watchtower).. the watchtower is not divinely inspired so how on earth am i going to get anything of value out of it.
I need to find a religion that I am comfortable with and therefore need to pick each one apart.
If I may, why do you feel this way? What tells you that you "need a religion"?
These are the questions that I would be asking myself, and did many years ago.
i have now read the section that deals with me.
all i can say is i am amazed!!!
don't my critics have any concern about the facts???
I am reading them, and I am sure others are also.
What kind of assistance do you need to post the documents you reffered to?
i have now read the section that deals with me.
all i can say is i am amazed!!!
don't my critics have any concern about the facts???
This includes the two different copies of the Emphatic Diaglott by B. Wilson that they published. Did you know there were two different ones?
Would you be so kind as to describe the primary differences between them? Is it just a printing date, or is there other "changes" within it that might be interesting?
Anybody like oinons in the potatoes/home fries?
Add some green/red bell peppers and there ya go!
How 'bout apples 'n onions wit real bacon bits?
That is a combo I had not thought of, but now that you mention it, it sounds oh so good... care to elaborate on the prep?
dear mister bill, august 20, 2001 .
in your silent lambs inc. recruiting letter yesterday, you posted several job positions that i may be interested in; namely, under the department responsible for .
develop and design merchandise to be offered through silentlambs.responsible to coordinate sales and shipping for merchandise.negotiate competitive pricing for such materials.responsible for approval of posters and banners used to represent silentlambs.responsible to train assistants how to do your job.. i have some ideas that i would like to bounce off of you.
It would be much easier to promote a "Bill Bowen Action" figure, than to defend a JW/GB INACTION figure!
But, I must say that You Know's constant "Bill is out for selfish gains" mentality to be fraudulant at best, and the only intention that he has with that mentality is to try and divert attention from the effort itself.
You Know,
Please provide one scrap of evidence to support your theory that Bill (or anyone that supports the SilentLambs movement) is out for Selfish gains. Please Prove that there intentions are anything but honerable in thier fight to bring some "change" to the WTBS, and or support to those that are victims.
Actually, nevermind. We already know that you cannot. You have yet to prove anything that you have ever stated.
Have a nice day!
the following piece of misleading wt thinking was emailed to me recently by a close friend see what you think.
the following words are plaguerised from another person, but i did feel they should be posted.
""under the title "is it wrong to pronounce gods name?
There are certain words which are "untranslatable" in EVERY language.
Well said, lisa.
Oddly enough, this is absolutely true for the majority of PROPER NAMES.
Even those that have "translations", the translated name is NOT the "name" of the original person.
For example: Anthony and Antonio... while the name is the "same" as translated, if you called me "Antonio" I would not know you were addressing me, "Anthony".
However, in nearly all Languages, a "Title" (GOD, LORD, God, Lord, etc...) almost allways means the same thing.